2023-04-07 Community Q&A with Steven Sharif
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Ashes of Creation Community Q&A with Steven Sharif. Read the transcript
Referenced by
- Talk:2023-04-07 Community Q&A with Steven Sharif
- Active blocking
- Active dodging
- Active skills
- Alpha-0
- Alpha-1
- Alpha-1 testing
- Alpha-2
- Alpha-2 goals
- Alpha-2 phase-1
- Alpha-2 phase-2
- Alpha-2 phase-3
- Alpha-2 servers
- Alpha-2 update notes
- Alts
- Announcements
- Appearance slots
- Arcane magic
- Archetypes
- Architecture
- Armor
- Artisan buildings
- Artisan certification quests
- Artisan classes
- Artisan mastery
- Artisan progression
- Artisan supply chain
- Ashes of Creation
- Ashes of Creation board game
- Badlands
- Bard
- Bard skills
- Basic attacks
- Best-in-slot items
- Betas
- Biomes
- Blood magic
- Bosses
- Buildings
- Camera
- Character
- Character creator
- Character page
- Character sheet
- Class kits
- Class weapons and armor
- Classes
- Climate
- Combat
- Combat revamp
- Constellations
- Corrupted Essence
- Corrupted areas
- Corruption
- Corruption Tier
- Cosmetic armor
- Cosmetic skins
- Cosmetics
- Crafted items
- Crafting
- Crafting materials
- Crafting mechanics
- Crafting professions
- Crafting stations
- Crops
- Damage types
- Darkness
- Day and night cycle
- Death penalties
- Design pillars
- Directional attacks
- Divine gateways
- Elemental magic
- Elemental skills
- Elemental status effects
- Elements
- Encounters
- Epic items
- Event levels
- Event states
- Event types
- Events
- Experience debt
- Fire damage
- Fish
- Fishing
- Foliage
- Franchise
- Freehold building blueprints
- Freehold building permits
- Freehold building placement
- Freehold building skins
- Freehold building tech trees
- Freehold buildings
- Freehold farms
- Freehold professions
- Freehold progression
- Freeholds
- Friends list
- Game balance
- Game design
- Game difficulty
- Gameplay
- Gatherable resources
- Gathering
- Gathering professions
- Gathering tools
- Gear
- Gear appearance
- Gear progression
- Harbingers
- Hired NPCs
- Hitboxes
- Homesteads
- Hunting grounds
- Hybrid combat
- Indirect fire skills
- Inspiration
- IntrepidNET
- Intrepid Studios
- Kickstarter
- King Atrax
- Legendary items
- List of biomes
- Lore
- Mage
- Magic damage
- Magician
- Mayors
- Merchandise
- Meta
- Minor races
- Minstrel
- Moons
- NPC guards
- NPCs
- Narrative
- Narrative events
- Night sky
- Node attacks
- Node leadership
- Node leadership powers
- Node mandates
- Node policies
- Node war events
- Nodes
- Open development
- Open world
- Orders of the Seven
- Origin story
- POI events
- Pantheon
- Performance
- Persistent alpha
- Player corruption
- Player death
- Player driven narrative
- Player flagging
- Player housing
- Playstyles
- Points of interest
- Primary skills
- Private test realms
- Processing
- Processing professions
- Processing queue slots
- Processing stations
- Profession NPCs
- Proficiencies
- Progression
- PvE
- PvP quests
- PvX
- Quest items
- Quests
- Races
- Rare items
- Recipes
- Release schedule
- Religions
- Removing corruption
- Resistances
- Resurrection methods
- Roads
- Roles
- Schools of augmentation
- Schools of magic
- Seasonal events
- Seasons
- Seeds
- Server transfers
- Server types
- Server wipes
- Servers
- Siege NPCs
- Siren
- Skill trees
- Skills
- Song Warden
- Songcaller
- Soul Weaver
- Story arc chapters
- Story arc quests
- Story arc rewards
- Story arcs
- Summoning magic
- System requirements
- Tabletop mountains
- Targeted skills
- Tellsword
- Templated skills
- Testing
- Testing phases
- The Ancients
- The Essence
- The fall
- The return
- Tools
- Transformation
- Trickster
- Tulnar
- Tundra
- Uncommon items
- Underrealm
- Underrealm environment
- Underrealm nodes
- Underrealm resources
- Unreal Engine 5
- Verra
- Villages
- Voice acting
- Water
- Weapon attack cone
- Weapons
- Workstations
- World
- World bosses
- World events
- World map
- World size
- Zone of influence
- Zones