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There are elements (such as Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Electrical) in Ashes of Creation each with their own resistances.[1][2][2][3][4][5]

  • There may be ley lines and strong magical places in the world that change or alter the way spells work.[10]
We've discussed a little bit about how the seasons and biomes will react with different types of skills. Like if you have a fireball and it's summer it might be a little bit different. If it's winter and you have a frost ability it might be different.[9]Steven Sharif

Elemental skills

The idea behind magic is you're manipulating the elements. They don't just have to be fire, ice, water and air. They can be darkness, they can be light, they can be planar; a lot of different types of "elemental influences".[5]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
1H Mace - Mace Finisher Icon.Mace Finisher.png 1H_Mace Mace Hit 4 Weapon Combo Finisher Deals (133%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Triggers Weapon Combo Finisher proc effects.
1H Mace - Mace Hit 1 Icon.Mace Hit 1.png 1H_Mace Mace Hit 1 Deals (71%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
1H Mace - Mace Hit 2 Icon.Mace Hit 2.png 1H_Mace Mace Hit 2 Deals (80%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
1H Mace - Mace Hit 3 Icon.Mace Hit 3.png 1H_Mace Mace Hit 3 Deals (62%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
1H Scepter - Mace Finisher Icon.Mace Finisher.png 1H_Scepter Mace Hit 4 Weapon Combo Finisher Deals (133%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Triggers Weapon Combo Finisher proc effects.
1H Scepter - Mace Hit 1 Icon.Mace Hit 1.png 1H_Scepter Mace Hit 1 Deals (71%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
1H Scepter - Mace Hit 2 Icon.Mace Hit 2.png 1H_Scepter Mace Hit 2 Deals (80%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
1H Scepter - Mace Hit 3 Icon.Mace Hit 3.png 1H_Scepter Mace Hit 3 Deals (62%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage
Aftershock Icon.Aftershock.png Mage Casting Chain Lightning on a primary target with Staggered causes the attack to trigger again for (125%πŸ’†) Lightning damage.
Air Strike Icon.Air Strike.png Ranger Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage to targets hit. Targets hit that are Snared become Rooted, and all Snared stacks on those targets are consumed.
Arcane Circle Icon.Arcane Circle.png Mage Place a powerful rune of magic upon the ground beneath you that grants you Arcane Might while standing within. Lasts 10 seconds.
Arcane Eye Icon.Arcane Eye.png Mage Conjure a magical eye above you, that reveals any camouflaged enemies within a 20 meter radius to you and your party. Lasts 10 seconds.
Arcane Volley Icon.Arcane Volley.png Mage Fire a volley of 7 arcane missiles at your target, dealing (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage each.
Avert Your Gaze Icon.Avert Your Gaze.png Bard Each tick of Maddening Dance also applies Shaken, and the final tick will apply Humiliated to any targets facing you.
Backstab Icon.Backstab.png Rogue Stab your target in the back dealing (200%πŸ’†) Pierce damage damage. Requires being behind your target. Consumes Advantage to deal (200%πŸ’†) Pierce damage bonus damage.
Ball Lightning Icon.Ball Lightning.png Mage Create a large ball of charged electricity that travels slowly forward, rapidly dealing (50%πŸ’†) Lightning damage and applying Volatile to enemies it overlaps with.
Barrage Icon.Barrage.png Ranger Fires a continual barrage of arrows at your target for 1.5 seconds, dealing (15%πŸ’†) Physical damage per arrow. Triggers Ammo Imbue effects, once per target hit. Each hit against Bleeding targets reduces the cooldown of this ability by 0.1 seconds. Double this bonus against Hemorraging targets.
Bear Trap Icon.Bear Trap.png Ranger Spawn a trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the trap, they take (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Targets hit that are Snared become Rooted for 3 seconds, and all Snared stacks on those targets are consumed, increasing the rooted duration by 1 seconds per stack consumed.
Bless Weapon Icon.Bless Weapon.png Cleric Imbue your target's weapon with radiant light, granting them Bless Weapon.
Blink Icon.Blink.png Mage Instantly teleport 20 meters in the direction you are moving. Breaks all rooting effects.
Blitz Icon.Blitz.png Fighter Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage to the target on arrival.
Blizzard Icon.Blizzard.png Mage Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Periodically pulses Chilled to targets within the area. Each shard impact deals (50%πŸ’†) Ice damage in a small area around it and applies Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Bombardment Icon.Bombardment.png Mage Fireball and Firebolt now also apply Staggered. Firebolt gains bonus 25% direct damage. Fireball gains bonus 100% Burning damage.
Book Combo Attack Icon.Book Combo Attack.png Book Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (658%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (622%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (666%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (625%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 3. Finisher - (982%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Brutal Cleave Icon.Brutal Cleave.png Fighter Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing (175%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit)
Cataclysm Icon.Cataclysm.png Fighter Deal (275%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front of you. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped. Deals 15% additional damage to Chilled targets. This bonus is doubled against Frozen targets.
Chain Lightning Icon.Chain Lightning.png Mage Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to up to 5 nearby enemies from that target, dealing (225%πŸ’†) Lightning damage to each and applies 10 stacks of Shocked to targets with Volatile. Aftershock
Chains of Restraint Icon.Chains of Restraint.png Cleric Conjure a circle of radiant chains at target location for 8 seconds that deals (40%πŸ’†) Radiant damage every second and applies to targets within the area of effect. Each Weakened target hit by the initial pulse becomes Rooted.
Charge Icon.Charge.png Tank Channeled Ability: Charge forward in the direction you are facing. Enemies you collide with take (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage damage and become Staggered. Charge will be canceled if another ability is activated or if the Charge key is pressed again.
Chilling Lament Chilling Lament.png Bard Target enemy is dealt (75%πŸ’†) ice damage and afflicted with four seconds of Chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[11][12]
Chilling Lament (AoE) Chilling Lament.png Bard Enemies in front of you are dealt (50%πŸ’†) ice damage and afflicted with three seconds of chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[11]
Climactic Whirlwind Icon.Climactic Whirlwind.png Fighter Perform a final swing in an area in front of you after ending Whirlwind's channel, dealing (175%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying Staggered to targets in front of the caster, while generating 5-10 Combat Momentum based on number of targets hit.
Combust Icon.Combust.png Mage Instantly combust your target, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Fire damage and applying Conflagrating if they are Burning.
Communal Restoration Icon.Communal Restoration.png Cleric Restore health equal to (150%πŸ’†) healing to all party members in range and apply Communal Restoration.
Concentrated Scatter Shot Icon.Concentrated Scatter Shot.png Ranger Scatter Shot becomes a held ability. After being fully charged, you instead fire a single projectile in a forward line that pierces through enemies dealing (250%πŸ’†) Physical damage.
Condemn Icon.Condemn.png Cleric Apply Incapacitated (10 seconds) to target enemy. If the target is Conflagrating, the target becomes Stunned (3 seconds) instead.
Cone of Cold Icon.Cone of Cold.png Mage Blast a vortex of freezing wind in a cone in front of you, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Consecrating Wave Icon.Consecrating Wave.png Cleric Send forth a wave of radiance that deals (150%πŸ’†) Radiant damage and applies Volatile to all enemies in front of you. Dispel 1 buff from each target hit that is Silenced. Restorative Consecrating Wave
Crippling Blow Icon.Crippling Blow.png Fighter Deal (75%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply 1 stack of 1 stacks of Snared to target enemy. If the target is Staggered, apply another stack of 1 stacks of Snared to the target.
Deliverance Icon.Deliverance.png Cleric Held ability: Charges up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged, up to (500%πŸ’†) healing
Discordance Icon.Discordance.png Bard Launch a wild burst of 3 discordant notes at your target, each dealing (50%πŸ’†) Arcane damage and applying Staggered. The notes will bounce to random nearby enemies dealing reduced damage. Song Mastery: Dissonance
Disengage Icon.Disengage.png Ranger Quickly strike enemies in front of you while backflipping in the opposite direction. Targets hit by the strike take Physical damage and acquire 1 stack of Snared for 10 seconds.
Divine Flare Icon.Divine Flare.png Cleric Place a targeted area on the ground that heals all targets after several seconds. Heals for (1000%πŸ’†) healing divided amongst each target hit.
Divine Retribution Icon.Divine Retribution.png Cleric Divine Flare deals (250%πŸ’†) Radiant damage damage and applies Silenced to enemies within its area of effect when it detonates. Damage is divided amongst each target hit.
Elemental Empowerment Icon.Elemental Empowerment.png Mage Remove your current elemental empowerment.
Enchant Weapon Icon.Enchant Weapon.png Mage Enchant up to one ally's weapon to match your current set of elemental empowerments. The enchantment will favor the greater of their magical or physical power stat. The enchantment will last one hour with a single empowerment or 30 seconds if multiple are applied.
Fierce Wit Icon.Fierce Wit.png Bard Quick Wit will apply (60%πŸ’†) Fire damage Burning to enemies with two or more other debuffs. Quick Wit will apply Tripped to enemies with two or more movement impairing debuffs.
Fireball FireballIcon.png Mage Hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (100%πŸ’†) fire damage.[11][13]
Firebolt Fireball (Active).png Mage Hurl a bolt of fire toward your target, dealing (125%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (75%πŸ’†) fire damage. 3 charges.[11][14]
Flash Cure Icon.Flash Cure.png Cleric 3 charges. Instantly heal target ally for (175%πŸ’†) healing. This may be used during other ability activations.
Frostbolt Icon.Frostbolt.png Mage Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled. Shattering Shards
Get Off The Stage Icon.Get Off The Stage.png Bard Knockback enemies in front of you with your instrument, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 3 stacks of Snared that tapers off over the course of 6 seconds. Also applies Disarmed to targets with Staggered.
Greatsword Combo Attack Icon.Greatsword Combo Attack.png Sword Swing your greatsword in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (72%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 2 - (79%πŸ’†) Slash damage 3. Finisher - (56%πŸ’†) Slash damage (71%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Ground Pound Icon.Ground Pound.png Tank Slams the ground, dealing (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to enemies in front of you, while applying Tripped for 2 seconds to targets that were Staggered. Targets already Tripped are launched and take 25% more damage.
Headshot Icon.Headshot.png Ranger Deal (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy. Deals 25% more damage to targets below 50% of their maximum health and applies 1 stack of Wounded for each 25% missing health of the target. Physical penetration increased by 25% against Dazed targets. This bonus is doubled against Silenced targets.
Healing Touch Icon.Healing Touch.png Cleric Heal target ally in melee range for (500%πŸ’†) healing.
Hoarfrost Icon.Hoarfrost.png Mage Unleash a blast of icy wind at target location, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled.
Inciting Strikes Icon.Inciting Strikes.png Tank Slash twice in an area in front of you, dealing damage (75%πŸ’†) Physical damage damage per hit. Generate 3 Courage per target hit with each swing, up to a maximum of 10 Courage per swing. Generates 300% Threat.
Intimidating Aura Icon.Intimidating Aura.png Tank Emanate an aura around the caster for 8 seconds that deals (10%πŸ’†) Magical damage with a 10% chance of applying Staggered every 0.5 seconds. Generates threat equal to 30% of your Maximum Health every tick.
Jest Icon.Jest.png Bard Jest with target ally, healing for (150%πŸ’†) healing and applying Glee and Pep. Shares cooldown with Mock.
Judgment Icon.Judgment.png Cleric If cast on an ally, restore health equal to (1500%πŸ’†) healing to the target. If cast on an enemy, deal (280%πŸ’†) Radiant damage and apply Burning for (150%πŸ’†) Fire damage to the target. If the enemy target is Shaken, the caster is healed for the damage dealt.
Kick Icon.Kick.png Rogue Kick your target, dealing (40%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying Tripped. Consumes Advantage to instead hit all targets within melee range.
Lacerate Icon.Lacerate.png Rogue Slice your target, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Applies Bleeding at double the base duration. Consumes Advantage to become a frontal cone melee ability.
Leap Strike Icon.Leap Strike.png Fighter Leap to target location and deal (225%πŸ’†) Physical damage around you while applying Staggered to targets hit. Apply 3 stacks of Snared to targets hit that were Shaken.
Lethal Blow Icon.Lethal Blow.png Fighter Deal (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy, plus additional damage based on the target's missing health, up to a maximum total of (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Chance to critically hit increased by 15% against Bleeding targets. This bonus is doubled against Hemorraging targets.
Lightning Strike Icon.Lightning Strike.png Mage Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Lightning damage based on how long it was charged. Applies 15 stacks of Shocked to target. Amplified Lightning Strike
Longbow Combo Attack Icon.Longbow Combo Attack.png Longbow Fire your longbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (264%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (222%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 3. Finisher - (592%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Lunging Assault Icon.Lunging Assault.png Fighter Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying Snared to enemies in front of the caster. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while lunging.
Mace Combo Attack Icon.Mace Combo Attack.png Mace Swing your mace in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (1413%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 2. Hit 2 - (1440%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 3. Hit 3 - (1387%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 4. Finisher - (2800%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2640%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2640%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2727%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2727%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Maddening Dance Icon.Maddening Dance.png Bard Deal (55%πŸ’†) Arcane damage and dispel 1 buff on nearby enemies every second. Damage increases with less targets, up to (55%πŸ’†) Arcane damage. Avert Your Gaze To your allies, this dance merely looks silly, but to your enemies, it is a maddening, horrific sight.
Magma Field Icon.Magma Field.png Mage Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals (60%πŸ’†) Fire damage and applies Burning at (50%πŸ’†) Fire damage power every second to enemies within the area. Lasts 7 seconds. Pyromania
Maim Icon.Maim.png Fighter Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing (250%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all targets hit. Deals 20% additional damage to recently Tripped targets.
Marionette Icon.Marionette.png Bard Target enemy is afflicted with Marionette When Marionette expires, the target becomes Humiliated. "How embarrassing..."
Mark of the Raven Icon.Mark of the Raven.png Ranger Marks the target, triggering up to (33%πŸ’†) Physical damage every time the target is hit, scaling based on the target's missing health %.
Mend Icon.Mend.png Cleric 5 charges. Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Restores (150%πŸ’†) healing in health upon arrival.
Mesmerizing Dance Icon.Mesmerizing Dance.png Bard Quickly strike a dazzling pose! Mesmerizes all nearby enemies, applying 1 stacks of Incapacitated for 10 seconds. Any targets with Staggered also become 1 stacks of Stunned for 3 seconds.
Misdirection Icon.Misdirection.png Bard Use your wiles to reduce both your own and nearby party members' threat against nearby monsters by (1000%πŸ’†) Magical damage. Additionally breaks all disabling effects on the caster.
Mock Icon.Mock.png Bard Ridicule target enemy, damaging them for (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 1 stacks of Demoralized. Fierce Wit Shares cooldown with Jest.
Oppressive Reflect Icon.Oppressive Reflect.png Tank If Reflect successfully reflects damage to an attacker, that attacker also becomes Tripped.
Overpower Icon.Overpower.png Fighter Deal (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy. This ability shares a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10 Combat Momentum
Prismatic Beam Icon.Prismatic Beam.png Mage Channel a powerful beam in front of you that periodically deals (50%πŸ’†) Magical damage and has additional effects based on your Elemental Empowerment: Fire: Apply Burning for (25%πŸ’†) Fire damage per hit. Ice: Apply Chilled for 1 second per hit. Lightning: 33% chance per hit to trigger an arcing bolt that bounces up to 2 times, dealing (35%πŸ’†) Lightning damage and applying Volatile for 1.5 seconds to targets hit. Arcane (no empowerment): Each hit drains 1 Mana per target, returning up to 5 Mana to the caster.
Quick Wit Icon.Quick Wit.png Bard Jest with target ally, healing for (150%πŸ’†) healing and applying Glee and Pep. Ridicule target enemy, damaging them for (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 1 stacks of Demoralized. Fierce Wit
Raining Death Icon.Raining Death.png Ranger Fire two consecutive volleys of arrows in a wide area in front of you, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying 1 stack of Wounded to enemies with each hit. Deals 20% additional damage to Shocked targets.
Reflect Icon.Reflect.png Tank You brace for the next hit, doubling your block mitigation rating. The first incoming attack within the next 3 seconds is reflected back to the attacker, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage plus additional damage based on the amount of damage taken by the deflected attack, up to a maximum total of (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Generates 200% additional threat.
Resplendent Beam Icon.Resplendent Beam.png Cleric Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 4 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The initial hit heals for (300%πŸ’†) healing and reduces with each subsequent bounce.
Restorative Consecrating Wave Icon.Restorative Consecrating Wave.png Cleric Consecrating Wave additionally heals you and up to 10 allies for (250%πŸ’†) healing.
Righteous Blessed Weapon Icon.Righteous Blessed Weapon.png Cleric While Bless Weapon is active, weapon attacks have a 20% chance to proc additional (20%πŸ’†) Radiant damage and apply (30%πŸ’†) Fire damage Burning.
Rupture Icon.Rupture.png Fighter Deal (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 1 Wounded stack per second while moving. After 5 seconds, the target takes another (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage, plus 10% additional damage for each stack of Wounded it has, up to a maximum total of (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage On the initial hit, if the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Sagas: Volume II Icon.Sagas: Volume II.png Bard Unlock additional Saga combinations: The Horrors of the Void ( Theme of Tragedy Bard Tragedy.png Theme of Tragedy Bard Tragedy.png Theme of Mystery Bard Mystery.png) Channel to repeatedly deal (75%πŸ’†) Lightning damage, knockback enemies, and apply Dazed and Weakened. Amidst chaos and suffering, they roil and brood. Heroes of Ages Past ( Theme of Mystery Bard Mystery.png Theme of Mystery Bard Mystery.png Theme of Comedy Bard Comedy.png) Nearby party members gain Blessing of the Ages While heroes rise up, noble and true.
Scatter Shot Icon.Scatter Shot.png Ranger Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage to every enemy target in a cone area in front of the caster. Triggers Ammo Imbue effects, once per target hit.
Scepter Combo Attack Icon.Scepter Combo Attack.png Scepter Swing your scepter in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (1413%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (1440%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 3. Hit 3 - (1387%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 4. Finisher - (2800%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2640%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2640%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2727%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2727%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Shatter Icon.Shatter.png Mage When you deal lightning damage to a recently Frozen target, they are dealt a bonus 300% ice damage. Shattered can only be triggered once every 4 seconds per caster against the same target.[11]
Shattering Shards Icon.Shattering Shards.png Mage If Frostbolt hits a Shocked target, frost shards will splinter off, hitting the original target and up to 3 additional nearby enemies for (150%πŸ’†) Ice damage.
Shell Icon.Shell.png Mage Apply Shell
Shielding Dance Icon.Shielding Dance.png Bard Heal yourself and nearby allies for (50%πŸ’†) healing every second and apply up to one instance of 1 stacks of Shield to each target as they enter the dance radius.
Shortbow - Arrowstorm Icon.Arrowstorm.png Shortbow A Deadly Extended Finisher immediately after a Deadly Finisher triggers Arrowstorm: When a target is hit by a projectile fired by you, an additional projectile is fired at that target, dealing (5%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Lasts for 4 seconds.
Shortbow Combo Attack Icon.Shortbow Combo Attack.png Shortbow Fire your shortbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (18%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x2 3. Hit 3 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Hit 4 - (17%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 5. Finisher - (28%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Shuriken Icon.Shuriken.png Rogue Throw a shuriken at your target, dealing (75%πŸ’†) Pierce damage and bouncing to up to 4 other nearby enemies dealing lesser damage each bounce. Each hit applies any currently active Poison, otherwise applies (75%πŸ’†) Pierce damage.
Slam Icon.Slam.png Tank Deal (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to targets in front of you. Generates 300% additional threat.
Slicing Maim Icon.Slicing Maim.png Fighter Maim launches a piercing projectile that deals (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage, plus 20% additional damage to recently tripped targets, to enemies in its path.
Slumber Icon.Slumber.png Mage Applies Incapacitated to targets in a small area around the primary target. Lasts 10 seconds.
Smite Icon.Smite.png Cleric Smite your target, dealing (150%πŸ’†) Radiant damage. If activated while in melee range of the target, this spell has no cast time. If the target is Burning, it becomes Conflagrating.
Snipe Icon.Snipe.png Ranger Deal (400%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. If the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Sword Combo Attack Icon.Sword Combo Attack.png Sword Swing your sword in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (41%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 2 - (41%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 3 - (55%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 4 - (48%πŸ’†) Slash damage 3. Finisher - (322%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Thump Icon.Thump.png Rogue Deal (50%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and apply Silenced for 1 second and then apply Dazed If you have Advantage, instead apply Silenced for 5 seconds.
Thundering Shot Icon.Thundering Shot.png Ranger Fire a lightning-infused projectile at target enemy, dealing (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying 10 stacks of Shocked to the target. If the primary target is Dazed, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Silenced.
Tomahawk Icon.Tomahawk.png Tank Throw a Tomahawk at target enemy, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Deals 50% more damage to targets hit from behind.
Vengeance Icon.Vengeance.png Tank Combo ability: Launch up to 3 consecutive attacks against target enemy. Each hit grants 1 stack of Vengeance to the caster, granting 2% of maximum health as temporary health for 8 seconds, up to 3 stacks. 1. Hit 1 - (120%πŸ’†) Physical damage 2. Hit 2 - (130%πŸ’†) Physical damage 3. Hit 3 - (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applies Stunned Incoming damaging hits reduce this ability's cooldown by 0.5 seconds, and hits that were blocked reduce the cooldown by 1 second. This may trigger at a maximum of once per second. Generates 100% additional threat.
Vine Field Icon.Vine Field.png Ranger Summon a vine field at target location. Targets in the area take (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Each target can only be hit once per instance. For each target hit by the initial tick that is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Wallop Icon.Wallop.png Fighter Spend 25% of current Combat Momentum to deal (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage plus additional damage depending on how much Combat Momentum was spent, up to a maximum total of (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped.
Wand Combo Attack Icon.Wand Combo Attack.png Wand Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 3 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 4 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 5. Finisher - (72%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Whirlwind Icon.Whirlwind.png Fighter Channeled ability: Deal (45%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early. Deals 20% additional damage to Weakened targets.

Elemental status effects

Mage augments

Mages will offer four magical schools of augmentation, such as teleportation, fire, frost, and lightning (electrical).[3][15][5]

Say for instance, I am a Ranger that has a Charge bolt ability as my primary active skill and I've chosen Mage as my secondary and applied the elemental to it. I now have a Frost charge bolt, and if I fire that frostbolt and hit a target, they may be freezing for a period of time as a debuff and that might slow their speed. If a wizard applies a nuke on a target and that nuke is a frost-based nuke, those two stacking elements might then either further snare (slow the target) or paralyze and freeze the target. So, there are combination out effects that build up: A primary, secondary and some ancillary effect occurs when those are combined.[5]Steven Sharif
There's going to be four schools of augmentation for each archetype. One of the schools for the mage is the teleport school. You can take that teleport augment, apply it to your charge skill: now instead of charging x distance over time you're going to immediately teleport to the target dealing x damage and a condition modifier. If you were to apply the elemental school to your class ability you would then instead you would charge x distance; upon reaching target you would set the target ablaze if it's fire or you would electrocute them and deal with damage over time.[3]Steven Sharif

List of elemental mobs

See also
