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Icon Archetype Type.[1] Role.[2] Resource.[3][4]
Bard.png Bard Arcane Support Themes
Cleric.png Cleric Arcane Support Divine Power
Fighter.png Fighter Martial Damage Momentum
Mage.png Mage Arcane Damage Spell charges
Ranger.png Ranger Martial Damage -
Rogue.png Rogue Martial Damage Advantage
Summoner.png Summoner Arcane - -
Tank.png Tank Martial Tank Courage
The eight Archetypes in Ashes of Creation.[5]

Why did I decide on these eight archetypes? I felt they embodied an equilibrium between them: The martial art and the arcane arts. I felt that these were tending to be the core class identities that have existed across MMORPGS from a fantasy perspective over time. I mean, each of them has their own player segment that people are interested in. Summoners and support, bard and the healer, and mage: Those are all arcane elements that I think embody a lot of what we can do from a from an active ability standpoint that people are traditionally accustomed to. Rogue, ranger, fighter, tank: Those represent I think all of the martial elements of fighting classes that players like to see in fantasy games.[6]Steven Sharif

At the start of the game players may choose from eight Archetypes, which essentially defines a character's role.[7][8]

We're fairly similar to the holy trinity of class identity. I think that the way our primary archetypes and secondary archetypes, the combination of that creating these 64 different classes, it is a goal to blur the line between those identities, that standard Trinity that's present. I think additionally the way that we're developing classes is to be that rock-paper-scissors type of interaction, especially balance them around group vs. group dynamics or group dynamics; and... by utilizing the augment system allows for players to take skills outside of just the realm of their identity and into a different area.[9]Steven Sharif
  • Choosing the same primary and secondary archetype increases focus on that archetype.[17] Choosing different archetypes allows characters to somewhat flirt with their role.[18][9][19].
Q: Can you explain the philosophy on why there is a singular option for Tank main players or healer main players at the archetype selection screen and how much customization will there be in the base kit and augment system to truly make these different play styles?
A: Let's start with the second half of that question. When it comes to diversity I think that you're going to have a wide range of diversity that's afforded through the secondary archetype system. That is intended to really flirt with the line of what a main role Tank or main role healer is and provide some more hybridized gameplay for those particular roles. That comes in a number of different forms: we've talked a little bit about obviously in the past how augments are intended to work with primary active abilities and it is because the Tank role and the Cleric role are only afforded two of the archetypes that some of the most interesting, in my opinion, options of hybridization are going to come from those secondary choices with the Tank and the healer. So you're going to get a broad diversity of gameplay options there when it comes to the the role specifically. And why we're servicing those two roles with just two base archetypes? Those are really critical unique roles on a per-party basis. We talk about party comp, generally it is a traditional wheel of MMORPG game design when talking about the Trinity of gameplay roles that you expect to have one tank and one primary healer in a party design; and we wanted to stay true to that obviously. And those roles do have a significant impact on general gameplay loop when we're talking about moment-to-moment combat, between the Tank controlling the battlefield, being able to take hate off of other players, being able to maintain aggro status with the predominant threat source. That is a role that we don't necessarily want to build in another archetype to compete with. The Cleric itself however is also integral. Now, that's not to say that we do not have some influences: The Fighter has the ability to off-tank, especially depending on- and the reason I say that is because when we're talking about just from a base stat perspective, like CON for a Fighter is going to be high generally at a base value. Their ability to absorb hits is going to be greater because of their suite of ability selections that they have available to them. So, there are some other roles that do touch the line a bit in that divide of DPS to tank role. And on the healer side, the Bard has some regenerative abilities that they can utilize. Now, when they choose then to spec as a secondary class option into Cleric or Tank, if you're Fighter or a Bard you're going to get much closer to those roles; and I think having an off-tank is an interesting gameplay option and necessary for certain encounter designs that we want to preserve space for. So, the focus is really to stay true to what we expect from an MMO perspective with regards to those roles in group composition. We feel that the current class design achieves that and we're going to allow players to flirt with what hybridization looks like for those roles through our secondary archetype options.[18]Steven Sharif
Q: From level 1 to 25 are you just going to get one style of gameplay? Like, for the Cleric, are you just going to be a Holy Priest from WoW. So in the base kit, is there going to be any way to play differently from 1 to 25?
A: I think that what we're trying to achieve in the base kit offering for those two roles; and you may have seen this already with the Cleric class livestreams that we've done. There are some offensive options there and you could spec more offensively as a Cleric than you would necessarily into the support. The same is true on the Tank side. Your ability to customize your build options don't you're not pigeonholed into specifically that role, you have hybrid options just from a base kit perspective.[20]


Alpha-2 Bard montage.[21]

Bards are versatile virtuosos that inspire allies, and dishearten enemies with an extraordinary repertoire of abilities, encompassing the arts of music, song, dance, and storytelling. These efficacious entertainers excel at amplifying strengths, and exploiting weaknesses. This makes them a rock-solid, but flexible pillar of support for any adventuring party. With their mesmerizing melodies, peerless pantomime skills, and wondrous weaving of souls-stirring tales, bards leave a lasting impression on friend, and foe alike.[21]

Bard.png Bard is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

Bards are intended to amplify a party or raid's ability to perform within their own class. That amplification isn't just intended for DPS, but also for support, for healing, for taking damage, for movement. Bards have often been portrayed as a musical class and while they can be that, many Bard applications may exist in just telling a story. Telling a story is going to be the thematic component of how the Bard interacts with the party. And that story is going to enhance player's abilities to perform. Very similar in a way to buffing up a party, but you are not going to see him as a "buff bot" that you might have experienced in previous games, where they are only good for their buffs and then you kick them out of party and they sit in a corner and come back in 30 minutes. Those buffs are going to be related to how they perform.[24]Steven Sharif
Q: Regarding the class composition and design revolving around the Holy Trinity, if that is the case where does a non-healing support fall into that concept of design and how will players who choose that path remain relevant throughout the gameplay loops?
A: This is a more old school idea of the Holy Trinity and where non-healing support classes fall into that mix. Generally you see in my experience most non-healing support classes fall into between the hybrid of support to tank or support to DPS, so they tend to fill a hybrid role. The Bard has an opportunity to fill that space and is a very integral component to maximizing a particular group or archetypes ability to perform through the use of their supportive and buff-oriented abilities as we've talked in the past. Many of these are support based on proximity. Some of them are support based on targeted buffs. We're going to be following the format of abilities that adhere to dances, songs, and stories when it relates to the Bard; and the scope of their particular ability sets- each of those provide a certain type of benefit to to other characters within proximity. The idea here again, pointing back to a more old-school trinity design is that no party is complete without the non-healing support class, which is the Bard in Ashes of Creation.[26]Steven Sharif

Bard classes

Class Primary Secondary
Magician Bard Mage
Minstrel Bard Bard
Siren Bard Tank
Song Warden Bard Ranger
Songcaller Bard Summoner
Soul Weaver Bard Cleric
Tellsword Bard Fighter
Trickster Bard Rogue

Bard skills/abilities

Bards fill a tactical support role, including a broad range of offensive and defensive combat skills in addition to support abilities and buffs.[25][26][27][28][29][30][31]

One of the big things we wanted to do with this Bard specifically was not to focus specifically on just song or dance, but have a culmination of a bunch of different of these themes all together in the same kit.[34]John Collins
Skill Icon Description
Anthem of Alacrity Anthemn of Alacrity.png Target ally gains Anthem of Alacrity: Attack speed increased by 25% and casting speed increased by 25%. Lasts 10 seconds.[51][52]
Anthem of Alacrity (AoE) Anthemn of Alacrity(AOE).png You and the 3 closest allies in front of you gain Anthem of Minor Alacrity: Attack speed increased by 10% and casting speed increased by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds.[51]
Cathartic Melody Icon.Cathartic Melody.png Nearby party members gain Cathartic Melody Melodies can be played concurrently with other abilities. Multiple instances of the same melody do not stack.
Chaos Icon.Chaos.png Nearby party members gain Chaos This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Tragedy Bard Tragedy.png
Cheerful Melody Icon.Cheerful Melody.png Nearby party members gain Cheerful Melody Melodies can be played concurrently with other abilities. Multiple instances of the same melody do not stack.
Chilling Lament Chilling Lament.png Target enemy is dealt (75%πŸ’†) ice damage and afflicted with four seconds of Chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[51][53]
Chilling Lament (AoE) Chilling Lament.png Enemies in front of you are dealt (50%πŸ’†) ice damage and afflicted with three seconds of chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[51]
Clever Retort Icon.Clever Retort.png Interrupt your target with a clever retort, applying 1 stacks of Silenced. Applies Humiliated if the target is Demoralized.
Conflict Icon.Conflict.png Nearby party members gain Conflict This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Tragedy Bard Tragedy.png
Dark Lullaby Dark Lullaby.png Deal (50-100%πŸ’†) spirit damage to target enemy each second (scales in power over the course of the cast). This damage will not wake an incapacitated target. The final hit applies Stunned for 6 seconds if the target is incapacitated.[51][54]
Dark Lullaby (AoE) Dark Lullaby(AOE).png Deal (25-75%πŸ’†) spirit damage each second to enemies in front of you (scales in power over the course of the cast). This damage will not wake incapacitated targets. The final hit applies Stunned for 6 seconds to any incapacitated targets.[51]
Destiny Icon.Destiny.png Nearby party members gain Destiny This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Mystery Bard Mystery.png
Discordance Icon.Discordance.png Launch a wild burst of 3 discordant notes at your target, each dealing (50%πŸ’†) Arcane damage and applying Staggered. The notes will bounce to random nearby enemies dealing reduced damage. Song Mastery: Dissonance
Epic Melody Icon.Epic Melody.png Nearby party members gain Epic Melody Melodies can be played concurrently with other abilities. Multiple instances of the same melody do not stack.
Flourish Icon.Flourish.png Slide forward gracefully in your aimed direction and gain Pep. Can be used concurrently with any other ability. Dance Mastery: EnergyDance Mastery: Power
Fortissimo Icon.Fortissimo.png Costs 5 Resonance to activate. Gain Fortissimo
Gambit Icon.Gambit.png In a daring maneuver, transfer life to or from target party member, depending on who has a lower percent health. This ability will not reduce either player below 25% health. The character that loses life in this exchange gains Solace.
Get Off The Stage Icon.Get Off The Stage.png Knockback enemies in front of you with your instrument, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 3 stacks of Snared that tapers off over the course of 6 seconds. Also applies Disarmed to targets with Staggered.
Hymn of the Mind Hymn of the Mind.png Target ally gains mana equal to 2+5% magical power. Every second Mana gained increases up to 200% based on the amount of Mana the target is missing.[51]
Hymn of the Mind (AoE) Hymn of the Mind.png Up to 4 allies in front of you gain mana equal to 0.8 + 4% magical power every second. Mana gained increases up to 200% based on the amount of mana the target is missing. This ability will favor low mana party members and yourself.[51]
Jest Icon.Jest.png Jest with target ally, healing for (150%πŸ’†) healing and applying Glee and Pep. Shares cooldown with Mock.
Joy Icon.Joy.png Nearby party members gain Joy This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Comedy Bard Comedy.png
Lovely Serenade Lovely Serenade.png Target ally is healed for (150%πŸ’†) healing every second. The final hit applies Glee.[51][55]
Lovely Serenade (AoE) Lovely Serenade.png Up to five allies in front of you are healed for (50%πŸ’†) healing every second. This ability will favor injured party members and yourself.[51]
Maddening Dance Icon.Maddening Dance.png Deal (55%πŸ’†) Arcane damage and dispel 1 buff on nearby enemies every second. Damage increases with less targets, up to (55%πŸ’†) Arcane damage. Avert Your Gaze To your allies, this dance merely looks silly, but to your enemies, it is a maddening, horrific sight.
Marionette Icon.Marionette.png Target enemy is afflicted with Marionette When Marionette expires, the target becomes Humiliated. "How embarrassing..."
Menacing Melody Icon.Menacing Melody.png Nearby party members gain Menacing Melody Melodies can be played concurrently with other abilities. Multiple instances of the same melody do not stack.
Mesmerizing Dance Icon.Mesmerizing Dance.png Quickly strike a dazzling pose! Mesmerizes all nearby enemies, applying 1 stacks of Incapacitated for 10 seconds. Any targets with Staggered also become 1 stacks of Stunned for 3 seconds.
Misdirection Icon.Misdirection.png Use your wiles to reduce both your own and nearby party members' threat against nearby monsters by (1000%πŸ’†) Magical damage. Additionally breaks all disabling effects on the caster.
Mock Icon.Mock.png Ridicule target enemy, damaging them for (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 1 stacks of Demoralized. Fierce Wit Shares cooldown with Jest.
Nimble Dance Icon.Nimble Dance.png Grants Nimble, Pep, and cleanses 1 debuff (favoring crowd control effects) from yourself and nearby allies every second.
Pensive Melody Icon.Pensive Melody.png Nearby party members gain Pensive Melody Melodies can be played concurrently with other abilities. Multiple instances of the same melody do not stack.
Quick Wit Icon.Quick Wit.png Jest with target ally, healing for (150%πŸ’†) healing and applying Glee and Pep. Ridicule target enemy, damaging them for (125%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying 1 stacks of Demoralized. Fierce Wit
Saga Icon.Saga.png Complete your tale with a grand finale, consuming all of your current themes. The specific saga you have access to is determined by the combination of your current themes.
Shielding Dance Icon.Shielding Dance.png Heal yourself and nearby allies for (50%πŸ’†) healing every second and apply up to one instance of 1 stacks of Shield to each target as they enter the dance radius.
Triumph Icon.Triumph.png Nearby party members gain Triumph This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Comedy Bard Comedy.png
Wonder Icon.Wonder.png Nearby party members gain Wonder This buff can stack once with itself at reduced efficacy. Generates Theme of Mystery Bard Mystery.png
Some of the following information has likely been superceded by newer information. It is included here for archival reasons.
  • Some buffs are related to how the Bard performs in combat: If a bard lands a skill shot against a target, allies within a certain range might be granted a temporary buff that relates to the skill that the bard used.[24]
  • Certain higher tier Bard abilities will utilize proximity-based ground templates that require the party or raid to move into (and out of) formations indicated by the template to gain added benefits or buffs.[56][27]


Alpha-2 Cleric montage.[57]

Bards are versatile virtuosos that inspire allies, and dishearten enemies with an extraordinary repertoire of abilities, encompassing the arts of music, song, dance, and storytelling. These efficacious entertainers excel at amplifying strengths, and exploiting weaknesses. This makes them a rock-solid, but flexible pillar of support for any adventuring party. With their mesmerizing melodies, peerless pantomime skills, and wondrous weaving of souls-stirring tales, bards leave a lasting impression on friend, and foe alike.[21]

Cleric.png Cleric is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

Clerics channel mana to convert magical essence into radiant energy, which they can wield to heal their allies, or smite their foes. They also excel at providing defensive support by shielding their comrades-at-arms, cleansing negative status ailments, restoring mana to themselves and others, or even bringing a fallen soldier back to life. Because of their vital contributions to the welfare of an adventuring party, enemies consider clerics to be high priority targets. Hence, their survival also depends greatly upon their mastery of the skill of self-preservation.[57]
  • In Ashes of Creation a Cleric's powers are not directly imbued by the gods. Instead, their powers are tied intrinsically to the use of manipulation of The Essence as a as a source of magic.[59]
One of the probably biggest delineations from your standard trope in MMORPGs is that the Cleric does not receive their powers from a divine source. At least not in the sense that is standard. It is still something that is tied intrinsically to the use of manipulation of the Essence as a source of magic. Now, the source of that Essence is up to question: There are some claims about it that might apply a divine interaction, but generally it's not as though you're being imbued by these powers from the gods and that the gods can take them away should you step out of line in your alignment.[59]Steven Sharif

Cleric classes

Class Primary Secondary
Apostle Cleric Tank
High Priest Cleric Cleric
Oracle Cleric Mage
Protector Cleric Ranger
Scryer Cleric Bard
Shadow Disciple Cleric Rogue
Shaman Cleric Summoner
Templar Cleric Fighter

Cleric skills/abilities

Restoration. Enhancement. Debilitation. Clerics keep their team in the fight by bolstering their combat abilities and cursing their enemies. Far from simply supporting their allies through healing, a Cleric is also capable of wielding destructive force in the face of danger.[60]
  • There will be a healthy combination of healing and offensive spells available to allow a Cleric to level and progress as a solo player. It's left to the player to decide whether they will spec into more solo or support-oriented group-focussed gameplay. Choice of a secondary archetype will enable further customization in this respect.[61][62]
There's going to be a significant amount of offensive capability for the Cleric because we don't want to create that dynamic where cleric as a support class is inoperable without a companion or a party to go with. We want that Cleric to still be able to survive on their own: to be able to level and progress as a solo player.[62]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Description
Barrier Icon.Barrier.png Sacrifice 25% of your maximum health and apply that much temporary health to target ally for 10 seconds. Does not stack.
Bless Weapon Icon.Bless Weapon.png Imbue your target's weapon with radiant light, granting them Bless Weapon.
Chains of Restraint Icon.Chains of Restraint.png Conjure a circle of radiant chains at target location for 8 seconds that deals (40%πŸ’†) Radiant damage every second and applies to targets within the area of effect. Each Weakened target hit by the initial pulse becomes Rooted.
Cleansing Wave Icon.Resplendent Beam.png Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 4 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The initial hit heals for (300%πŸ’†) healing and reduces with each subsequent bounce.
Communal Restoration Icon.Communal Restoration.png Restore health equal to (150%πŸ’†) healing to all party members in range and apply Communal Restoration.
Condemn Icon.Condemn.png Apply Incapacitated (10 seconds) to target enemy. If the target is Conflagrating, the target becomes Stunned (3 seconds) instead.
Consecrating Wave Icon.Consecrating Wave.png Send forth a wave of radiance that deals (150%πŸ’†) Radiant damage and applies Volatile to all enemies in front of you. Dispel 1 buff from each target hit that is Silenced. Restorative Consecrating Wave
Defiant Light Icon.Defiant Light.png Grant target ally Defiant Light
Deliverance Icon.Deliverance.png Held ability: Charges up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged, up to (500%πŸ’†) healing
Divine Flare Icon.Divine Flare.png Place a targeted area on the ground that heals all targets after several seconds. Heals for (1000%πŸ’†) healing divided amongst each target hit.
Divine Infusion Divine Infusion.png Consume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.[51][63][64][65][66]
Essence Infusion EssenceInfusionNewIcon.png While active your spells consume Divine Power instead of mana or health. Uses normal resource cost if insufficient Divine Power to cast.[51]
Flash Cure Icon.Flash Cure.png 3 charges. Instantly heal target ally for (175%πŸ’†) healing. This may be used during other ability activations.
Healing Touch Icon.Healing Touch.png Heal target ally in melee range for (500%πŸ’†) healing.
Judgment Icon.Judgment.png If cast on an ally, restore health equal to (1500%πŸ’†) healing to the target. If cast on an enemy, deal (280%πŸ’†) Radiant damage and apply Burning for (150%πŸ’†) Fire damage to the target. If the enemy target is Shaken, the caster is healed for the damage dealt.
Mend Icon.Mend.png 5 charges. Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Restores (150%πŸ’†) healing in health upon arrival.
Purify Icon.Purify.png Remove up to 3 dispellable debuffs from an ally.
Resplendent Beam Icon.Resplendent Beam.png Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 4 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The initial hit heals for (300%πŸ’†) healing and reduces with each subsequent bounce.
Resurrect Icon.Resurrect.png Resurrect target ally with 25% of their max health and mana.
Smite Icon.Smite.png Smite your target, dealing (150%πŸ’†) Radiant damage. If activated while in melee range of the target, this spell has no cast time. If the target is Burning, it becomes Conflagrating.
Soothing Glow Icon.Soothing Glow.png Apply Soothing Glow to target ally. 3 charges.
Wings of Salvation Icon.Wings of Salvation.png Sprout phoenix-like wings and dash to target ally, granting Wings of Salvation to the caster and target on arrival.
Some of the following information has likely been superceded by newer information. It is included here for archival reasons.


Fighter.png Fighter is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

The Fighter is an agent of chaos on the battlefield, channeling mana to convert the magical essence surrounding them into sheer offensive power to tremendously amplify their strength. They are masters of close-quarters combat, and hold firmly to the adage that β€œthe best defense is an unstoppable offense” in combat, leveraging their attacks to sustain their onslaught while overwhelming the enemy in close quarters. Their gap-closing mobility, along with their resistance to magic that can impede, control, or limit movement allows them to ramp up in power, and momentum, and keep the pressure on.[68]

Fighter classes

Class Primary Secondary
Bladecaller Fighter Summoner
Bladedancer Fighter Bard
Dreadnought Fighter Tank
Highsword Fighter Cleric
Hunter Fighter Ranger
Shadowblade Fighter Rogue
Spellsword Fighter Mage
Weapon Master Fighter Fighter

Fighter skills/abilities

The Fighter archetype includes maneuverability and "closing the gap" mechanics to enable the fighter to quickly traverse distances on the battlefield as well as debuffs that can reduce healing received on a target.[75][72][73][74][76]

Skill Icon Description
Battle Cry Icon.Battle Cry.png Apply Weakened and Demoralized to all nearby enemies and Riled to the caster and all nearby party members. Gain 5 Combat Momentum for each target Riled and each enemy target that was Shaken.
Berserk Icon.Berserk.png Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 30% more physical power and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.
Blitz Icon.Blitz.png Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage to the target on arrival.
Blood Fusion Icon.Blood Fusion.png Return 100% of damage dealt as health and 35% of damage dealt as mana over the next 6 seconds. Resource replenished is diminished for each target hit beyond the first. 25% additional damage returned as health from Bleeding targets. This bonus is doubled against Hemorraging targets.
Brutal Cleave Icon.Brutal Cleave.png Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing (175%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit)
Cataclysm Icon.Cataclysm.png Deal (275%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front of you. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped. Deals 15% additional damage to Chilled targets. This bonus is doubled against Frozen targets.
Crippling Blow Icon.Crippling Blow.png Deal (75%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply 1 stack of 1 stacks of Snared to target enemy. If the target is Staggered, apply another stack of 1 stacks of Snared to the target.
Exert Icon.Berserk.png Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 30% more physical power and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.
Form Of Celerity Icon.Form Of Celerity.png While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Staggered to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.
Form Of Ferocity Icon.Form Of Ferocity.png While in this form, the caster receives 1.5% Attack Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of 15%. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Bleeding to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.
Form Of Fluidity Icon.Form Of Fluidity.png While in this form, the caster receives +1.5% Evasion and +2.5% Disable Evasion per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +15% and +25%, respectively. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Shaken to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.
Knock Out Icon.Knock Out.png Apply Incapacitated and Shaken to target enemy.
Leap Strike Icon.Leap Strike.png Leap to target location and deal (225%πŸ’†) Physical damage around you while applying Staggered to targets hit. Apply 3 stacks of Snared to targets hit that were Shaken.
Lethal Blow Icon.Lethal Blow.png Deal (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy, plus additional damage based on the target's missing health, up to a maximum total of (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Chance to critically hit increased by 15% against Bleeding targets. This bonus is doubled against Hemorraging targets.
Lunging Assault Icon.Lunging Assault.png Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying Snared to enemies in front of the caster. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while lunging.
Maim Icon.Maim.png Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing (250%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all targets hit. Deals 20% additional damage to recently Tripped targets.
Overpower Icon.Overpower.png Deal (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy. This ability shares a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10 Combat Momentum
Rupture Icon.Rupture.png Deal (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 1 Wounded stack per second while moving. After 5 seconds, the target takes another (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage, plus 10% additional damage for each stack of Wounded it has, up to a maximum total of (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage On the initial hit, if the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Wallop Icon.Wallop.png Spend 25% of current Combat Momentum to deal (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage plus additional damage depending on how much Combat Momentum was spent, up to a maximum total of (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped.
Whirlwind Icon.Whirlwind.png Channeled ability: Deal (45%πŸ’†) Physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early. Deals 20% additional damage to Weakened targets.
Q: What percentage of Fighter skills are templated attacks versus requiring a target?
A: There's probably four or five abilities right now that require a single target and then I think the rest are either like on self or some template conal attack or something.[77]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 Mage Chain Lightning arcing around an environmental obstacle.[79]

You saw there that I ice bolted to apply stacks of chill. I Then followed up with my Elemental Empowerment attacks that added additional chill stacks, which created the frozen condition on the target they couldn't move; and then before that frozen conditions subsided I used my Arc Lightning in order to cause the Shattered effect.[80]Steven Sharif

Mage.png Mage is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[81][23]

Mages are the unparalleled masters of arcane might, harnessing the boundless energy of Verra's raw essence to affect reality itself. Their command over the mystical arts allows them to unleash devastating attacks with an arsenal of powerful "area of effect" spells, a vast array of elemental attacks, and curses that can debilitate their foes. These powers, along with other useful utility magic that can bestow powerful enhancements on allies make mages an indispensable member of any adventuring party.[78]
  • Mages are able to combine skills from different elements, along with non-elemental spells and weapon attacks to produce powerful synergies and combos.[80]
    • Players can focus exclusively on a single element, but this will reduce their ability to benefit from synergies and combos between different elements.[82]
  • Mages tend to have the most direct relationship with The Essence compared to others.[81]
Mages tend to have the most direct relationship with essence compared to others, and they manage that bond with a singular will... As a Mage’s connection to essence develops further, their power will continue to grow, unfold, and take shape.[81]

Mage classes

Class Primary Secondary
Acolyte Mage Cleric
Archwizard Mage Mage
Battle Mage Mage Fighter
Shadow Caster Mage Rogue
Sorcerer Mage Bard
Spellhunter Mage Ranger
Spellstone Mage Tank
Warlock Mage Summoner

Mage skills/abilities

Skill Icon Description
Arcane Circle Icon.Arcane Circle.png Place a powerful rune of magic upon the ground beneath you that grants you Arcane Might while standing within. Lasts 10 seconds.
Arcane Eye Icon.Arcane Eye.png Conjure a magical eye above you, that reveals any camouflaged enemies within a 20 meter radius to you and your party. Lasts 10 seconds.
Arcane Volley Icon.Arcane Volley.png Fire a volley of 7 arcane missiles at your target, dealing (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage each.
Ball Lightning Icon.Ball Lightning.png Create a large ball of charged electricity that travels slowly forward, rapidly dealing (50%πŸ’†) Lightning damage and applying Volatile to enemies it overlaps with.
Blink Icon.Blink.png Instantly teleport 20 meters in the direction you are moving. Breaks all rooting effects.
Blizzard Icon.Blizzard.png Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Periodically pulses Chilled to targets within the area. Each shard impact deals (50%πŸ’†) Ice damage in a small area around it and applies Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Chain Lightning Icon.Chain Lightning.png Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to up to 5 nearby enemies from that target, dealing (225%πŸ’†) Lightning damage to each and applies 10 stacks of Shocked to targets with Volatile. Aftershock
Combust Icon.Combust.png Instantly combust your target, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Fire damage and applying Conflagrating if they are Burning.
Cone of Cold Icon.Cone of Cold.png Blast a vortex of freezing wind in a cone in front of you, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Enchant Weapon Icon.Enchant Weapon.png Enchant up to one ally's weapon to match your current set of elemental empowerments. The enchantment will favor the greater of their magical or physical power stat. The enchantment will last one hour with a single empowerment or 30 seconds if multiple are applied.
Fireball FireballIcon.png Hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (100%πŸ’†) fire damage.[51][83]
Firebolt Fireball (Active).png Hurl a bolt of fire toward your target, dealing (125%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (75%πŸ’†) fire damage. 3 charges.[51][84]
Frostbolt Icon.Frostbolt.png Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled. Shattering Shards
Hoarfrost Icon.Hoarfrost.png Unleash a blast of icy wind at target location, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled.
Illuminate Icon.Illuminate.png Conjure a circle of light around you that lights up your surroundings.
Lightning Strike Icon.Lightning Strike.png Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Lightning damage based on how long it was charged. Applies 15 stacks of Shocked to target. Amplified Lightning Strike
Magma Field Icon.Magma Field.png Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals (60%πŸ’†) Fire damage and applies Burning at (50%πŸ’†) Fire damage power every second to enemies within the area. Lasts 7 seconds. Pyromania
Prismatic Beam Icon.Prismatic Beam.png Channel a powerful beam in front of you that periodically deals (50%πŸ’†) Magical damage and has additional effects based on your Elemental Empowerment: Fire: Apply Burning for (25%πŸ’†) Fire damage per hit. Ice: Apply Chilled for 1 second per hit. Lightning: 33% chance per hit to trigger an arcing bolt that bounces up to 2 times, dealing (35%πŸ’†) Lightning damage and applying Volatile for 1.5 seconds to targets hit. Arcane (no empowerment): Each hit drains 1 Mana per target, returning up to 5 Mana to the caster.
Shell Icon.Shell.png Apply Shell
Slumber Icon.Slumber.png Applies Incapacitated to targets in a small area around the primary target. Lasts 10 seconds.
Thermal Equalibrium ThermalEqualibriumNewIcon.png Whenever you apply Frozen to a target, refresh the duration of your applied Conflagrating statuses on that target.[51]


Ranger.png Ranger is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

Rangers have a profound connection to the world around them, which gives them an ability to track enemy targets that borders on the supernatural, and a skill for camouflage that gives them an enormous advantage in any terrain. Their magical acumen is based on their strong affinity with the natural world, allowing them to harness nature’s fury in battle while destroying foes with devastating hails of arrows, and crippling weapon strikes. Rangers also use this natural magic to enhance their mobility on the battlefield by leaping out of harm's way. Be wary, for it is said that when a ranger marks you for death, it’s time to get your affairs in order.[85]
Q: Tank has resolve, Cleric has divine power, what does Ranger have?
A: That's a very good question. It is the interaction between the Hunts and the Marks. That is something that we're going to be focusing in on a little bit more. Right now, that is still something that the combat team is working on for the Ranger class.[87]Steven Sharif
Q: Why was the minimum distance required removed for the Rangers ranged attacks?
A: Originally when I was thinking about the Ranger, I had thought about introducing a minimum range requirement in order to offset its flexibility in combat and having them think a little bit more strategically about positioning on the battlefield. That became an un-fun experience when we playtested it and so we decided to remove it. Instead we may choose to play around with things like range too close affecting something maybe like accuracy. We haven't playtested with that. Or, we just might not incorporate it and instead let it live within the abilities you saw. An example of that with regards to the lightning ability having variable effects conferred at different ranges. That right now is the approach that we're taking.[88]Steven Sharif

Ranger classes

Clase Primario Secundarios
Bowsinger Ranger Bard
Falconer Ranger Summoner
Hawkeye Ranger Ranger
Scion Ranger Mage
Scout Ranger Rogue
Sentinel Ranger Tank
Soulbow Ranger Cleric
Strider Ranger Fighter

Ranger skills/abilities

The majority of a Ranger's skill tree will likely be ranged, but there will be options to incorporate melee aspects.[89]

  • Some abilities require a bow to be equipped.[11][90][91][92]
  • Instead of a minimum range requirement, certain Ranger skills, such as Thundering Shot, currently have variable effects conferred at different ranges.[88]
  • The majority of Ranger abilities allow movement while casting. Only a few abilities impose movement penalties while casting.[11]
Skill Icon Description
Air Strike Icon.Air Strike.png Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage to targets hit. Targets hit that are Snared become Rooted, and all Snared stacks on those targets are consumed.
Barrage Icon.Barrage.png Fires a continual barrage of arrows at your target for 1.5 seconds, dealing (15%πŸ’†) Physical damage per arrow. Triggers Ammo Imbue effects, once per target hit. Each hit against Bleeding targets reduces the cooldown of this ability by 0.1 seconds. Double this bonus against Hemorraging targets.
Bear Trap Icon.Bear Trap.png Spawn a trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the trap, they take (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Targets hit that are Snared become Rooted for 3 seconds, and all Snared stacks on those targets are consumed, increasing the rooted duration by 1 seconds per stack consumed.
Call of the Wild Icon.Call of the Wild.png Remove all Snared and Chilled statuses from the caster, and increase movement speed by 20% while becoming immune to all movement impairing effects for 8 seconds.
Camouflage Icon.Camouflage.png You become harder to see and cannot be directly targeted. The further you are from an enemy, the more difficult you are to spot. Any outgoing combat actions cancel this effect, as well as incoming damage or other negative effects.
Disengage Icon.Disengage.png Quickly strike enemies in front of you while backflipping in the opposite direction. Targets hit by the strike take Physical damage and acquire 1 stack of Snared for 10 seconds.
Enhance Armament: Barbs Icon.Enhance Armament: Barbs.png Toggled Ability Enemies hit by your Finishers, Extended Finishers, Barrage, or Scattershot become Bleeding.
Enhance Armament: Concussion Icon.Enhance Armament: Concussion.png Toggled Ability Enemies hit by your Finishers, Extended Finishers, Barrage, or Scattershot have a 50% chance to become Dazed.
Enhance Armament: Weight Icon.Enhance Armament: Weight.png Toggled Ability Enemies hit by your Finishers, Extended Finishers, Barrage, or Scattershot become Snared.
Headshot Icon.Headshot.png Deal (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy. Deals 25% more damage to targets below 50% of their maximum health and applies 1 stack of Wounded for each 25% missing health of the target. Physical penetration increased by 25% against Dazed targets. This bonus is doubled against Silenced targets.
Hunt of the Bear Icon.Hunt of the Bear.png Toggled Ability Call forth the spirit of the bear, imbuing yourself with increased physical mitigation. Only one Hunt may be active at a time.
Hunt of the Raven Icon.Hunt of the Raven.png Toggled Ability Call forth the spirit of the raven, imbuing yourself with increased physical penetration. Only one Hunt may be active at a time.
Hunt of the Tiger Icon.Hunt of the Tiger.png Toggled Ability Call forth the spirit of the tiger, imbuing yourself with 10% increased critical damage. Only one Hunt may be active at a time.
Lightning Reload Icon.Lightning Reload.png Grants a charge of Lightning Reload, allowing you to fire one ability Shot for free, ignoring it's cooldown and other costs. Affected Abilities: Snipe Barrage Headshot Scatter Shot Raining Death Thundering Shot
Mark of the Bear Icon.Mark of the Bear.png Marks the target, reducing their mitigation by 25%.
Mark of the Raven Icon.Mark of the Raven.png Marks the target, triggering up to (33%πŸ’†) Physical damage every time the target is hit, scaling based on the target's missing health %.
Mark of the Tiger Icon.Mark of the Tiger.png Marks the target, increasing critical chance versus the target by 25%.
Party Stride Icon.Party Stride.png Applies Strider to all group members within 30 meters. Strider Increases ground movement speed of target by 10%.
Raining Death Icon.Raining Death.png Fire two consecutive volleys of arrows in a wide area in front of you, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying 1 stack of Wounded to enemies with each hit. Deals 20% additional damage to Shocked targets.
Regeneration Icon.Regeneration.png Grants 10 Regeneration Rating per Ranger level to a target ally. Can be maintained on one ally at a time. If your target already has Regeneration from another Ranger, you cannot activate Regeneration. If your target already has your Regeneration, activating Regeneration again will toggle it off.
Scatter Shot Icon.Scatter Shot.png Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage to every enemy target in a cone area in front of the caster. Triggers Ammo Imbue effects, once per target hit.
Snipe Icon.Snipe.png Deal (400%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. If the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Strider Icon.Strider.png Target ally gains Strider
Thorns Icon.Thorns.png Envelop target ally with thorns, dealing damage equal to 1/3 the Ranger's level and a 10% chance of applying Bleeding to attackers each time that ally is struck. Can be maintained on one ally at a time and can not be applied to a target already affected by Thorns.
Thundering Shot Icon.Thundering Shot.png Fire a lightning-infused projectile at target enemy, dealing (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying 10 stacks of Shocked to the target. If the primary target is Dazed, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Silenced.
Vine Field Icon.Vine Field.png Summon a vine field at target location. Targets in the area take (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Each target can only be hit once per instance. For each target hit by the initial tick that is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.


Pre-alpha Rogue/Ranger (Predator).[93]

One with the shadows, knowing how to move with subtlety, and when to stay put, the rogue's stealth is unmatched. The rogue is a master of opportunity, using skill, positioning, and the environment to dish out frightening amounts of damage. In their downtime, they provide excellent scouting, helping their friends navigate dangers otherwise unseen.[94]

Rogue.png Rogue is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[94][23]

The rogue is more physical disable oriented: Applying bleeds or snares or having precision damage that's situational. Being stealthy. That's how I view the rogue role... The rogue's like you don't see me, I'm coming in and boom I stab you in the back and I do extra damage because of it. Now you're bleeding and you're trying to snare away and walking away, and that's a rogue in my opinion.[96]Steven Sharif

Rogue classes

Clase Primario Secundario
Assassin Rogue Rogue
Charlatan Rogue Bard
Cultist Rogue Cleric
Duelist Rogue Fighter
Nightspell Rogue Mage
Predator Rogue Ranger
Shadow Guardian Rogue Tank
Shadow Lord Rogue Summoner

Rogue skills/abilities

All classes are capable adventurers, but rogues excel at delving the deepest dungeons and finding the most hidden of treasures.[97]

  • Rogues will have utility skills that enable them to discover hidden doors, traps and additional treasures.[98]
  • These will be randomly spawned throughout different times of the day to ensure that encounters are not the same each time.[98]
If you're in a party and you have a Rogue that's available, they'll be able to use that utility skill to discover these random doors that might exist in a dungeon. Now the way we make it so that it's not essentially the same door every time and it's just a first time thing and every time thereafter where that door's at, is these locations are randomly spawned throughout different times of the day so they'll change essentially as you go into a dungeon at different times. So it'll be important and relevant for parties to make sure that they have a diversity of archetypes available to them. And in particular for the rogues case because they can find those hidden type doors and then have access to different types of loot tables based off of that.[98]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Description
Backstab Icon.Backstab.png Stab your target in the back dealing (200%πŸ’†) Pierce damage damage. Requires being behind your target. Consumes Advantage to deal (200%πŸ’†) Pierce damage bonus damage.
Feint Icon.Feint.png Stab your target in the back dealing damage. Requires being behind your target. Consumes to deal bonus damage.
Kick Icon.Kick.png Kick your target, dealing (40%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and applying Tripped. Consumes Advantage to instead hit all targets within melee range.
Lacerate Icon.Lacerate.png Slice your target, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Applies Bleeding at double the base duration. Consumes Advantage to become a frontal cone melee ability.
Poison Icon.Poison.png Gain Poison
Shadow Step Icon.Shadow Step.png Teleport behind your target.
Shuriken Icon.Shuriken.png Throw a shuriken at your target, dealing (75%πŸ’†) Pierce damage and bouncing to up to 4 other nearby enemies dealing lesser damage each bounce. Each hit applies any currently active Poison, otherwise applies (75%πŸ’†) Pierce damage.
Stealth Icon.Stealth.png Fade into the shadows, becoming invisible. Only usable when 20 meters away from enemies. Gain Advantage.
Thump Icon.Thump.png Deal (50%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage and apply Silenced for 1 second and then apply Dazed If you have Advantage, instead apply Silenced for 5 seconds.


Summoner silhouette.[99]

The summoner is never alone. Two hands are good, but in the summoner's opinion, more hands are always better. With the right tool for every job, there's no situation they can't handle through their connection to the void, and other realms. Summoning assistance through the portal, they call upon the occult to join them in battle, supporting their allies, banishing their adversaries, or controlling an enemy. Summoners can shift to easily fill gaps in the battlefield wherever they are needed.[99]

Summoner.png Summoner is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

Q: Summoner has been said to fill in the gaps in a party's role composition. What exactly does that mean in practice? Are they capable of speccing to be pure DPS, pure heals, or pure tank? Or instead are they supposed to be doing all three at a lesser level as needed?
A: It depends on the summon that they bring out. They will have a variety of summon options and they will have supporting abilities that enhance the role of that particular summon, or that can hybridize the role of that summon based on the ability they cast on the summon or support by attacking- by casting on the target either. So is something that is flexible based on the summoner; and then when you choose a secondary archetype as your total class, that- as a primary summoner- that will influence which category your summons perform best as a role. So if you go with a secondary archetype for your class selection that's more DPS oriented this summons from a role category perspective will be a DPS summons. You'll still have the flexibility, but it won't be as strong as if you had chosen a support or a tank role and the summon benefits you would have as a result of those secondary choices.[100]Steven Sharif
Q: Will Summoners want to build different stats when playing as either a DPS, healer, or tank role?
A: Yes. It is important that Summoners understand the role they're trying to hybridize into, as that decision might influence the types of stats they want to spec for.[101]Steven Sharif

Summoner classes

Class Primary Secondary
Beastmaster Summoner Ranger
Brood Warden Summoner Tank
Conjurer Summoner Summoner
Enchanter Summoner Bard
Necromancer Summoner Cleric
Shadowmancer Summoner Rogue
Spellmancer Summoner Mage
Wild Blade Summoner Fighter

Summoner skills/abilities

The summoner uses abilities that channel through their summons (also referred to as class skill pets).[102][103]

You gain your summons from your summoner class as an active skill and then skills can be further developed with points.[105]Steven Sharif
  • Abilities from the summon appear on the summoner's hotbar. The summoner is essentially playing through their summon.[102][103]
    • Summoner has control over their summon, unless the summon is under ancillary effects.[102][106][103]
  • Summoners will not be able to fuse with or be taken over by their normal summons.[102][103]
  • Summoners may also have the ability to transfer pain to their summons, meaning that a portion of damage or threat taken by the summoner can be transferred to their summon instead.[110]
  • Summoner summons are not the same as combat pets.[111]
    • Summoner's summons will add to the summoner's power when they are summoned, unlike combat pets, which take a portion of the player's power.[112]
The Summoner archetype does not have that portion of power taken away when they summon their pet. That's part of their... power is their summon.[112]Steven Sharif
  • Summons will exist until another summon is cast, the summon is killed, or the summoner logs off.[113]
  • Summoners may be able to name their summons, but will not be able to change their creature type, which is part of the nameplate above the summon.[114]
Summons follow the same flagging rules as players, if your summon pks someone, you gain corruption[115]Steven Sharif
Some of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
For example: If your summon had a sweeping attack with a claw, or had the ability to bite an opponent, or rush an opponent; and you took teleportation, you could rush them similar to how I've given an example with the tank: Teleporting to a target instead. Or, its claws could combust on impact on a target dealing some burn damage that persists. Or... let's say your summon traditionally was some type of bear or bear cat, you could apply an elemental augment and now it could be a transparent flaming bioluminescent cat; and its damage would be fire based. So, that's how we want to influence the active skills with how augments apply; and that's how it would apply with Summoners.[120]Steven Sharif


Tank.png Tank is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[23]

The tank's primary role is to draw attackers to them while absorbing damage that might kill, or severely injure their allies. While other archetypes seek to avoid pain, the tank thrives on it, increasing their durability, and damage dealt with every strike. Their mastery of defense allows them to redirect, absorb, and negate incredible amounts of damage that their party members might otherwise take. A well-played tank controls the tide of the battle, distracting enemies, and hampering their movements while rallying their allies, and leading them to victory. No one lives forever, but a renowned hero who reaches his, or her twilight years probably owes their longevity to a reliable tank.[121]
Q: When it comes to tanking, will it be primarily the tank archetypes that will be able to tank, or can other people tank?
A: Other people can tank. It really depends on the setting. If we're talking high-end raiding or dungeoneering and playing in these areas that require a main tank, that role and responsibility lies to the Tank archetype. Now tank archetypes can obviously take secondary archetype selections and they can hybridize across different roles. That'll give them a bit of horizontal utility or horizontal progression to the augment system; and the best tanks are going to be the tanks that double down in that role.[122]Steven Sharif
  • Tanks in general will have some control over encounters but will likely not have total control.[124]
Q: Tanks need to do two things: Mitigate damage and hold aggro. How will tank weapons, shields, and armor balance these two dynamics compared to other gear sets?
A: I think it does so in a few ways. I mean, obviously stack composition and your itemization choices are important. Making sure you're driving up your constitution-based stat allocation through selection of certain set bonuses and/or stat modifiers. But in addition, a big portion of that is not just through itemization, but also through your skill tree selections; and they don't have to be diametrically opposed. The ability to garner additional threat is predicated on your rotational selection and and how you are leveraging certain types of set bonuses that are catered towards that role specifically. So some set bonuses will have specific, very targeted benefits like additional threat generation. But in addition, if you're going to mitigate damage, you need to make sure you're focusing on your health pool: how much health pool do you have available to you? What type of damage are you mitigating- because we have different types of damage mitigation from magic to physical; and that's predicated on who your opponent is, where your adversary lives. Both of those are viable selection or viable strategies.[125]Steven Sharif
Q: What steps are being taken or considered to make the tank archetype viable in PvP engagements?
A: It's important to note that in a lot of MMOs that probably many of us have played. PVP can feel like a slapped on design consideration; and our approach is very holistic in the sense that we take into account the fact this is a PvX game. So when we're designing the class kits, we are making sure that mechanics and designs are targeting applicability both in PvE settings as well as PvP settings. That's very important. There are also special mechanics, like how threat is used in PvP, how taunts are used in PvP. Those things I think require testing, but we have some ideas that will make them relevant so that you don't have abilities that have no relevancy in PvE or PVP, but have some cross application.[127]Steven Sharif
Some of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
  • The developers are considering formation-based mechanics that grant effects such as damage mitigation based on positioning of party members.[129]
Also formation-based type effects. For example, there's a really cool skill that we just began working on for the tank, where you have a vector required for players to be within behind that tank that mitigates damage incoming from a different direction. So there's directional-based type situations that require location of players in your party to be cognizant of those locations.[129]Steven Sharif

Tank classes

Class Primary Secondary
Argent Tank Bard
Guardian Tank Tank
Keeper Tank Summoner
Knight Tank Fighter
Nightshield Tank Rogue
Paladin Tank Cleric
Spellshield Tank Mage
Warden Tank Ranger

Tank skills/abilities

Skill Icon Description
Absorption Field Icon.Absorption Field.png Throw a rallying banner to the target location that spawns an Absorption Field upon impact. You and allies that enter the Absorption Field are granted temporary health equal to 15% of your maximum health. This can only be applied to any specific target once per 10 seconds.
Aegis Icon.Aegis.png Create a protective dome around the caster for 15 seconds, transferring 20% of all damage received by targets within the area to the tank instead. Can be toggled off early to cancel the effect.
Charge Icon.Charge.png Channeled Ability: Charge forward in the direction you are facing. Enemies you collide with take (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage damage and become Staggered. Charge will be canceled if another ability is activated or if the Charge key is pressed again.
Desolate DesolateNewIcon.png Strikes your target and surrounding enemies for 150% physical damage. Generates 300% additional threat.[51]
Fortify Icon.Fortify.png Consumes all Courage to reduce damage taken for 10 seconds. Increases mitigation by 10% plus an additional 0.1% per Courage spent, up to a total maximum of 20%. While active, generate 300% Courage from damage taken.
Grapple Icon.Grapple.png Take aim and hurl a chained javelin at your target, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds. Cannot be used on boss enemies.
Grit Icon.Grit.png Increase physical mitigation by 10% for 10 seconds. This can stack up to 2 times.
Ground Pound Icon.Ground Pound.png Slams the ground, dealing (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to enemies in front of you, while applying Tripped for 2 seconds to targets that were Staggered. Targets already Tripped are launched and take 25% more damage.
Inciting Strikes Icon.Inciting Strikes.png Slash twice in an area in front of you, dealing damage (75%πŸ’†) Physical damage damage per hit. Generate 3 Courage per target hit with each swing, up to a maximum of 10 Courage per swing. Generates 300% Threat.
Indomitable Spirit Icon.Indomitable Spirit.png Gain Indomitable Spirit
Intercept Icon.Intercept.png Rush to an ally's defense, granting temporary health to yourself and the target equal to 10% of your maximum HP for 10 seconds upon arrival.
Intimidating Aura Icon.Intimidating Aura.png Emanate an aura around the caster for 8 seconds that deals (10%πŸ’†) Magical damage with a 10% chance of applying Staggered every 0.5 seconds. Generates threat equal to 30% of your Maximum Health every tick.
Iron Aura Icon.Iron Aura.png Reduces damage taken by 5% for all party members within 10 meters.
Protect Icon.Protect.png Intercept attacks that strike your friendly nearby target, redirecting 30% of the damage taken to you. Must remain within 15 meters of the target to maintain protection. If this range is exceeded for more than 5 seconds, the effect ends. If your target already has Protect from another Tank, you cannot activate Protect. If your target already has your Protect, activating Protect again will toggle it off.
Pulverize PulverizeNewIcon.png Move to your target and strike them for 225% physical damage. Generates 300% additional threat.[51]
Reflect Icon.Reflect.png You brace for the next hit, doubling your block mitigation rating. The first incoming attack within the next 3 seconds is reflected back to the attacker, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage plus additional damage based on the amount of damage taken by the deflected attack, up to a maximum total of (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Generates 200% additional threat.
Rush of Courage Icon.Rush of Courage.png You feel a surge of resolve. Gain 100 Courage.
Shake It Off Icon.Shake It Off.png Activate to instantly restore 50% of the difference between damage taken and healing taken in the past 4 seconds. Always heals for at least 10% of your maximum HP. Cannot heal for more than 30% of your Maximum HP.
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Lunge forward and deal 125% physical damage while applying Staggered to enemies in front of you. If a target was hit, gain 25 courage. Generates 300% additional threat.[51]
Shield Slam ShieldSlamNewIcon.png Lunge forward and deal 150% physical damage while applying Staggered to that target. Gain 25 courage on hit. Generates 300% additional threat.[51]
Slam Icon.Slam.png Deal (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to targets in front of you. Generates 300% additional threat.
Taunt Icon.Taunt.png Taunt target enemy, generating threat equal to two times your maximum health and applying Humiliated.
Tomahawk Icon.Tomahawk.png Throw a Tomahawk at target enemy, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Deals 50% more damage to targets hit from behind.
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Apply Snared to enemies in front of you with a loud shout. Then quickly follow up with a powerful ground stomp, dealing 150% physical damage to enemies around you. Generates 200% additional threat.[51][130]
Tremoring Strike TremoringStrikeNewIcon.png Deal 175% physical damage and apply Tripped to target enemy for 2 seconds. Generates 200% additional threat.[51]
Vengeance Icon.Vengeance.png Combo ability: Launch up to 3 consecutive attacks against target enemy. Each hit grants 1 stack of Vengeance to the caster, granting 2% of maximum health as temporary health for 8 seconds, up to 3 stacks. 1. Hit 1 - (120%πŸ’†) Physical damage 2. Hit 2 - (130%πŸ’†) Physical damage 3. Hit 3 - (150%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applies Stunned Incoming damaging hits reduce this ability's cooldown by 0.5 seconds, and hits that were blocked reduce the cooldown by 1 second. This may trigger at a maximum of once per second. Generates 100% additional threat.
Wall Icon.Wall.png Summons a glorious Wall at the target location. Obstructs movement and blocks projectiles.

See also


  1. ↑ Interview, July 29, 2020 (49:53).
  2. ↑ Group dynamics blog.
  3. ↑ Livestream, April 28, 2023 (1:02:04).
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 steven-class-resources.png
  5. ↑ Ashes of Creation - Archetypes.
  6. ↑ Podcast, September 29, 2021 (24:18).
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 Interview, July 18, 2020 (1:05:04).
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 progression.png
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 Podcast, May 11, 2018 (25:58).
  10. ↑ Livestream, January 31, 2024 (5:00).
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:20:41).
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:04:27).
  13. ↑ Livestream, August 30, 2024 (2:43).
  14. ↑ February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  15. ↑ augmentcolors.png
  16. ↑ Interview, May 11, 2018 (53:15).
  17. ↑ class same.png
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 Podcast, May 10, 2024 (16:09).
  19. ↑ Podcast, April 23, 2018 (1:01:01).
  20. ↑ 20.0 20.1 Podcast, May 10, 2024 (20:30).
  21. ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Ashes of Creation - Bard.
  22. ↑ Newsletter - September 2024.
  23. ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 Archetype breakdown.
  24. ↑ 24.0 24.1 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (46:11).
  25. ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 steven-bard.png
  26. ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Livestream, April 7, 2023 (1:05:57).
  27. ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Interview, June 13, 2021 (8:33).
  28. ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Podcast, April 11, 2021 (13:30).
  29. ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Livestream, June 28, 2019 (1:21:02).
  30. ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Livestream, January 18, 2018 (45:52).
  31. ↑ 31.0 31.1 Livestream, May 17, 2017 (1:06:19).
  32. ↑ Livestream, December 2, 2022 (1:04:16).
  33. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:13:49).
  34. ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (4:20).
  35. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:38:35).
  36. ↑ Interview, July 19, 2020 (1:00:04).
  37. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:13:32).
  38. ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (8:14).
  39. ↑ Livestream, July 25, 2020 (58:38).
  40. ↑ Video, March 29, 2024 (55:06).
  41. ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (7:25).
  42. ↑ Livestream, December 2, 2022 (1:26:47).
  43. ↑ Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (1:18:37).
  44. ↑ Livestream, July 28, 2017 (40:15).
  45. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:32:50).
  46. ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (1:00:56).
  47. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:33:55).
  48. ↑ Livestream, May 19, 2017 (39:55).
  49. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:34:29).
  50. ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2024 (2:36:06).
  51. ↑ 51.00 51.01 51.02 51.03 51.04 51.05 51.06 51.07 51.08 51.09 51.10 51.11 51.12 51.13 51.14 51.15 51.16 51.17 51.18 51.19 51.20 Blog - Guide to Alpha Two.
  52. ↑ Anthem of Alacrity Description.png
  53. ↑ Chilling Lament Description.png
  54. ↑ Dark Lullaby Description.png
  55. ↑ Lovely Serenade Description.png
  56. ↑ Livestream, January 28, 2022 (1:09:26).
  57. ↑ 57.0 57.1 Ashes of Creation - Cleric.
  58. ↑ Video, July 28, 2023 (46:13).
  59. ↑ 59.0 59.1 Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:21:33).
  60. ↑ Blog: The Gift of Life - Cleric Alpha One Preview.
  61. ↑ Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:24:11).
  62. ↑ 62.0 62.1 Livestream, July 28, 2023 (1:07:30).
  63. ↑ Video, July 28, 2023 (25:36).
  64. ↑ Divine Infusion Info Panel.png
  65. ↑ Video, May 31, 2023 (16:58).
  66. ↑ Divine Power Buff Description.png
  67. ↑ Livestream, May 26, 2017 (19:03).
  68. ↑ 68.0 68.1 Ashes of Creation - Fighter.
  69. ↑ Video, March 29, 2024 (8:05).
  70. ↑ - Combat Momentum is an archetype resource made specifically for the Fighter!
  71. ↑ Combat Momentum Description.png
  72. ↑ 72.0 72.1 Video, March 29, 2024 (3:50).
  73. ↑ 73.0 73.1 Interview, September 10, 2023 (16:56).
  74. ↑ 74.0 74.1 steven-fighter-momentum.jpg
  75. ↑ Interview, September 10, 2023 (9:52).
  76. ↑ Livestream, December 15, 2017 (1:00:36).
  77. ↑ Livestream, March 29, 2024 (1:56:56).
  78. ↑ 78.0 78.1 Ashes of Creation - Mage.
  79. ↑ Video, April 28, 2023 (20:57).
  80. ↑ 80.0 80.1 Livestream, April 28, 2023 (57:01).
  81. ↑ 81.0 81.1 81.2 Blog: Blazing the way - Mage Alpha One Preview.
  82. ↑ Livestream, April 28, 2023 (1:01:25).
  83. ↑ Fireball Description04302024.png
  84. ↑ Firebolt Description05312024.png
  85. ↑ 85.0 85.1 Ashes of Creation - Ranger.
  86. ↑ - This Kaelar Ranger is ready to explore Verra!
  87. ↑ Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:14:40).
  88. ↑ 88.0 88.1 Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:53:41L5DeC8wIcuM).
  89. ↑ Livestream, May 31, 2023 (1:10:42).
  90. ↑ Livestream, September 30, 2022 (49:16).
  91. ↑ Podcast, September 29, 2021 (40:50).
  92. ↑ Interview, May 11, 2018 (16:32).
  93. ↑ Livestream, May 17, 2017 (40:07).
  94. ↑ 94.0 94.1 Ashes of Creation - Rogue.
  95. ↑ Livestream, May 17, 2017 (40:07).
  96. ↑ Podcast, September 29, 2021 (28:30).
  97. ↑ Rogue2.jpg
  98. ↑ 98.0 98.1 98.2 Livestream, July 25, 2020 (42:49).
  99. ↑ 99.0 99.1 Ashes of Creation - Summoner.
  100. ↑ 100.0 100.1 Livestream, September 30, 2022 (1:14:20).
  101. ↑ Livestream, February 29, 2024 (1:24:13).
  102. ↑ 102.0 102.1 102.2 102.3 102.4 Livestream, March 31, 2023 (1:22:21).
  103. ↑ 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 Livestream, May 19, 2017 (10:06).
  104. ↑ steven-summoners.png
  105. ↑ 105.0 105.1 Interview, August 8, 2018 (22:27).
  106. ↑ steven-summon-control.png
  107. ↑ Interview, October 20, 2024 (38:42).
  108. ↑ summons-ccs.png
  109. ↑ Livestream, May 26, 2017 (43:20).
  110. ↑ Livestream, February 24, 2023 (1:27:22).
  111. ↑ Livestream, October 30, 2020 (1:21:14).
  112. ↑ 112.0 112.1 Interview, January 14, 2022 (42:18).
  113. ↑ 113.0 113.1 Livestream, July 25, 2020 (1:41:46).
  114. ↑ Livestream, January 29, 2021 (1:21:01).
  115. ↑ 115.0 115.1 steven-summons-pvp-1.png
  116. ↑ steven-summons-pvp-2.png
  117. ↑ Interview, June 13, 2021 (13:11).
  118. ↑ 118.0 118.1 118.2 118.3 118.4 118.5 118.6 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (AM) (0:58).
  119. ↑ 119.0 119.1 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (11:27).
  120. ↑ 120.0 120.1 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (24:11).
  121. ↑ 121.0 121.1 121.2 Ashes of Creation - Tank.
  122. ↑ 122.0 122.1 122.2 Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:12:20).
  123. ↑ Interview, May 11, 2018 (51:11).
  124. ↑ Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:24:16).
  125. ↑ Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:26:12).
  126. ↑ Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:25:32).
  127. ↑ Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:28:24).
  128. ↑ 128.0 128.1 128.2 128.3 Livestream, May 26, 2017 (32:59).
  129. ↑ 129.0 129.1 Livestream, October 14, 2022 (20:02).
  130. ↑ Video, January 27, 2023 (7:28).