2021-04-11 Ashes Pathfinders Podcast with Steven Sharif
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Ashes of Creation Pathfinders Podcast with Steven Sharif, 11 April 2021. Read the transcript.
Referenced by
- A Curious Map
- Alpha-1
- Alpha-1 castle sieges
- Alpha-1 starting area
- Alpha-1 testing
- Alpha island
- Animations
- Announcements
- Archetypes
- Architecture
- Artisan buildings
- Artisan classes
- Ashes of Creation
- Bard
- Bard skills
- Best-in-slot items
- Biomes
- Bounty hunter maps
- Bounty hunters
- Buildings
- Caravan events
- Caravan skins
- Caravans
- Castle nodes
- Castle siege declarations
- Castle sieges
- Character
- Cities
- Class-specific quests
- Class kits
- Class progression
- Classes
- Classes by archetype combination
- Climate
- Coastal nodes
- Combat
- Constellations
- Corruption
- Corruption Tier
- Corruption status effects
- Crafting
- Crafting materials
- Crafting mechanics
- Crafting professions
- Crafting stations
- Crowns
- Darkness
- Day and night cycle
- Death penalties
- Default service buildings
- Design pillars
- Economy
- Archive:Elder Dragon of Flame
- Archive:Elder Dragon of the Tundra
- Archive:Elder Dragon of the Wood
- Encampment
- Encounters
- Escrow system
- Event levels
- Event states
- Event types
- Events
- Expedition
- Exploration
- Factions
- Faster travel
- First-time user experience
- Fish
- Fishing
- Fishing boats
- Fishing types
- Freehold building placement
- Freehold buildings
- Freehold professions
- Freeholds
- Frigates
- Galleons
- Game balance
- Game difficulty
- Gameplay
- Gear progression
- Group dynamics
- Group sizes
- Guild benefits
- Guild castles
- Guild fortresses
- Guild freeholds
- Guild halls
- Guild leaders
- Guild leadership tools
- Guild members
- Guilds
- Harbors
- Hunting grounds
- Inspiration
- Instancing
- Inventory
- Kickstarter
- Kings and Queens
- Level scaling
- Leveling
- List of biomes
- Magician
- Marketplace
- Mentor program
- Merchant ships
- Meta
- Metropolis
- Minstrel
- Mobility
- Moons
- NPCs
- Narrative events
- Naval
- Naval NPCs
- Night sky
- Node advancement
- Node attacks
- Node footprints
- Node layout and style
- Node leadership
- Node progression
- Node siege declaration
- Node sieges
- Node stages
- Node war events
- Nodes
- Open-world PvP
- Open world
- Open world battlegrounds
- POI events
- Personal caravans
- Personal vessels
- Player businesses
- Player corruption
- Player death
- Player flagging
- Player housing
- Player movement
- Playstyles
- Points of interest
- Primary skills
- Procedural generation
- Processing
- Processing professions
- Processing queue slots
- Processing stations
- Progression
- PvE
- PvP
- PvP background
- PvP quests
- PvX
- Quests
- Races
- Racial appearance
- Racial influences
- Recipes
- Release schedule
- Removing corruption
- Roads
- Roles
- Safe zones
- Scholars
- Seasonal cosmetics
- Seasonal cycles
- Seasonal events
- Seasonal variations
- Seasons
- Server types
- Service buildings
- Ship building
- Ship classes
- Ship destructibility
- Ship repair
- Ships
- Siege mechanics
- Siege participation
- Siege weapons
- Sieges
- Siren
- Skill and stat dampening
- Skill points
- Skill trees
- Skills
- Song Warden
- Songcaller
- Soul Weaver
- Sprinting
- Storage
- Summoning ships
- Tellsword
- Towns
- Trade routes
- Treasure maps
- Treasures
- Trickster
- Underrealm
- Underwater
- Underwater dungeons
- Unique node buildings
- Villages
- Wilderness
- Winds
- Workstations
- World
- World events
- World map
- World size