Ranged skills

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Some abilities require a specific weapon to be equipped.[1][2][3][4]

Skill Icon Origin Description
Absorption Field Icon.Absorption Field.png Tank Throw a rallying banner to the target location that spawns an Absorption Field upon impact. You and allies that enter the Absorption Field are granted temporary health equal to 20% of your maximum health. This can only be applied to any specific target once per 10 seconds.
Arcane Volley Icon.Arcane Volley.png Mage Fire a volley of 7 arcane missiles at your target, dealing (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage each.
Ball Lightning Icon.Ball Lightning.png Mage Create a large ball of charged electricity that travels slowly forward, rapidly dealing (50%πŸ’†) Lightning damage and applying Volatile to enemies it overlaps with.
Bear Trap Icon.Bear Trap.png Ranger Spawn a trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the trap, they take (50%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Targets hit that are Snared become Rooted for 3 seconds, and all Snared stacks on those targets are consumed, increasing the rooted duration by 1 seconds per stack consumed.
Blizzard Icon.Blizzard.png Mage Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Periodically pulses Chilled to targets within the area. Each shard impact deals (50%πŸ’†) Ice damage in a small area around it and applies Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Book Combo Attack Icon.Book Combo Attack.png Book Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (658%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (622%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (666%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (625%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 3. Finisher - (982%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Chain Lightning Icon.Chain Lightning.png Mage Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to up to 5 nearby enemies from that target, dealing (175%πŸ’†) Lightning damage to each and applies 10 stacks of Shocked to targets with Volatile. Aftershock
Chains of Restraint Icon.Chains of Restraint.png Cleric Conjure a circle of radiant chains at target location for 8 seconds that deals (40%πŸ’†) Radiant damage every second and applies to targets within the area of effect. Each Weakened target hit by the initial pulse becomes Rooted.
Cleansing Wave Icon.Resplendent Beam.png Cleric Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 4 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The initial hit heals for (300%πŸ’†) healing and reduces with each subsequent bounce.
Divine Flare Icon.Divine Flare.png Cleric Place a targeted area on the ground that heals all targets after several seconds. Heals for (1000%πŸ’†) healing divided amongst each target hit.
Fireball FireballIcon.png Mage Hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (100%πŸ’†) fire damage.[5][6]
Firebolt Fireball (Active).png Mage Hurl a bolt of fire toward your target, dealing (125%πŸ’†) fire damage and applying Burning for (75%πŸ’†) fire damage. 3 charges.[5][7]
Frostbolt Icon.Frostbolt.png Mage Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing (250%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled. Shattering Shards
Grapple Icon.Grapple.png Tank Take aim and hurl a chained javelin at your target, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds. Cannot be used on boss enemies.
Headshot Icon.Headshot.png Ranger Deal (200%πŸ’†) Physical damage to target enemy. Deals 25% more damage to targets below 50% of their maximum health and applies 1 stack of Wounded for each 25% missing health of the target. Physical penetration increased by 25% against Dazed targets. This bonus is doubled against Silenced targets.
Heartseeking Snipe Icon.Heartseeking Snipe.png Ranger Snipe has an 30% increased chance to critically hit against enemies hit beyond 20 meters.
Hoarfrost Icon.Hoarfrost.png Mage Unleash a blast of icy wind at target location, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Ice damage and applying Chilled.
Intercept Icon.Intercept.png Tank Rush to an ally's defense, granting temporary health to yourself and the target equal to 8% of your maximum HP for 10 seconds upon arrival. Temporary health granted is increased to 12% of your maximum HP if cast on self.
Leap Strike Icon.Leap Strike.png Fighter Leap to target location and deal (225%πŸ’†) Physical damage around you while applying 1 stacks of Snared to targets hit. Apply 3 stacks of Snared to targets hit that were Shaken.
Lightning Strike Icon.Lightning Strike.png Mage Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Lightning damage based on how long it was charged. Applies 15 stacks of Shocked to target. Amplified Lightning Strike
Longbow Combo Attack Icon.Longbow Combo Attack.png Longbow Fire your longbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (264%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (222%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 3. Finisher - (592%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Magma Field Icon.Magma Field.png Mage Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals (50%πŸ’†) Fire damage and applies Burning at (50%πŸ’†) Fire damage power every second to enemies within the area. Lasts 7 seconds. Pyromania
Raining Death Icon.Raining Death.png Ranger Fire two consecutive volleys of arrows in a wide area in front of you, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage and applying 1 stack of Wounded to enemies with each hit. Deals 20% additional damage to Shocked targets.
Scatter Shot Icon.Scatter Shot.png Ranger Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage to every enemy target in a cone area in front of the caster. Triggers Ammo Imbue effects, once per target hit.
Shortbow Combo Attack Icon.Shortbow Combo Attack.png Shortbow Fire your shortbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (18%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x2 3. Hit 3 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Hit 4 - (17%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 5. Finisher - (28%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Slicing Maim Icon.Slicing Maim.png Fighter Maim launches a piercing projectile that deals (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage, plus 50% additional damage to recently tripped targets, to enemies in its path.
Smite Icon.Smite.png Cleric Smite your target, dealing (150%πŸ’†) Radiant damage. If activated while in melee range of the target, this spell has no cast time. If the target is Burning, it becomes Conflagrating.
Snipe Icon.Snipe.png Ranger Deal (400%πŸ’†) Physical damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. If the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Tomahawk Icon.Tomahawk.png Tank Throw a Tomahawk at target enemy, dealing (100%πŸ’†) Physical damage. Deals 50% more damage to targets hit from behind.
Vine Field Icon.Vine Field.png Ranger Summon a vine field at target location. Targets in the area take (125%πŸ’†) Physical damage and become Rooted. Each target can only be hit once per instance. For each target hit by the initial tick that is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.
Wall Icon.Wall.png Tank Summons a glorious Wall at the target location. Obstructs movement and blocks projectiles.
Wand Combo Attack Icon.Wand Combo Attack.png Wand Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 3 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 4 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 5. Finisher - (72%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Wings of Salvation Icon.Wings of Salvation.png Cleric Sprout phoenix-like wings and dash to target ally, granting Wings of Salvation to the caster and target on arrival.

Ranged weapons

A character may equip up to two hand weapons and also wear a ranged weapon on their back.[3][4][9]

List of ranged weapons

Basic attacks

Alpha-2 Mage demonstrating a Frostbolt, Lightning Strike, and Wand weapon attack combo.[13]

This is a single Target projectile attack that applies two stacks of Chilled to the enemy; and then after that hit him with a few wand attacks. Now you'll see that you've gotten a Frozen status effect on him and then he timed that really well there... in that very last frame you'll see that he hit him with a lightning effect... So that's a good way to get your burst damage if you're rotating your spells and your elements the correct way.[13]Keenan Reimer

Basic attacks are triggered for the equipped primary weapon by pressing Q or left-clicking the mouse (these buttons can be re-bound by the player).[2][3][14]

  • Different weapon types have different basic attacks.[16][17]
  • Weapons with projectile attacks are capable of blind firing without having a target.[18]
    • If the player is in action camera mode and their reticle is over a target, they will be able to soft lock onto that target, causing projectiles to home to targets who are within the correct range/angle.[18]
When you have your weapon and you utilize a basic attack, you can blind fire that weapon, if it has a projectile associated with it, without having to have a target. In addition, if your reticle in action camera mode is over a target, you will have a soft target lock and projectiles will home to that target if within the right angle of direction.[18]Steven Sharif
Basic attack Icon Weapon Description
Book Combo Attack Icon.Book Combo Attack.png Book Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (658%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (622%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (666%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (625%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 3. Finisher - (982%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (690%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (636%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 4. Extended Finisher - (1106%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (1040%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (817%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Bounces to 3 enemies for (743%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Greatsword Combo Attack Icon.Greatsword Combo Attack.png Sword Swing your greatsword in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (72%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 2 - (79%πŸ’†) Slash damage 3. Finisher - (56%πŸ’†) Slash damage (71%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (60%πŸ’†) Slash damage (80%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (63%πŸ’†) Slash damage (86%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (69%πŸ’†) Slash damage (96%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Guard Icon.Guard.png Universal Enter a guard state, blocking all incoming frontal attacks and consuming -150% Stamina relative to the amount of damage mitigated by blocking. While guarding, gain Mental Fortification. While guarding, gain Empowered Guard.
Longbow Combo Attack Icon.Longbow Combo Attack.png Longbow Fire your longbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (264%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (222%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 3. Finisher - (592%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (650%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Extended Finisher - (739%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (813%πŸ’†) Pierce damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Heartseeker Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Mace Combo Attack Icon.Mace Combo Attack.png Mace Swing your mace in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (1413%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 2. Hit 2 - (1440%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 3. Hit 3 - (1387%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 4. Finisher - (2800%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2640%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2640%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2727%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage (2727%πŸ’†) Bludgeon damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Scepter Combo Attack Icon.Scepter Combo Attack.png Scepter Swing your scepter in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (1413%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (1440%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 3. Hit 3 - (1387%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 4. Finisher - (2800%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2640%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (2600%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2640%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage5. Extended Finisher - (2933%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2727%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Dazed to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (2660%πŸ’†) Arcane damage (2727%πŸ’†) Arcane damage Applies Staggered to struck targets Triggers Unstoppable Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Shortbow Combo Attack Icon.Shortbow Combo Attack.png Shortbow Fire your shortbow at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 2. Hit 2 - (18%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x2 3. Hit 3 - (25%πŸ’†) Pierce damage 4. Hit 4 - (17%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 5. Finisher - (28%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x3 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (30%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x 3 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 6. Extended Finisher - (24%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (26%πŸ’†) Pierce damage x5 Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Inspiring Bullseye Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Arrowstorm Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Sword Combo Attack Icon.Sword Combo Attack.png Sword Swing your sword in front of you in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (41%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 2 - (41%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 3 - (55%πŸ’†) Slash damage 2. Hit 4 - (48%πŸ’†) Slash damage 3. Finisher - (322%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (355%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 4. Extended Finisher - (537%πŸ’†) Slash damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Snared to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Bleeding to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher (591%πŸ’†) Slash damage Applies Wounded to struck targets Triggers Swordmaster's Aura Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire
Wand Combo Attack Icon.Wand Combo Attack.png Wand Fire your Book at your target in a series of attacks. 1. Hit 1 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 2 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 3 - (46%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 2. Hit 4 - (35%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 5. Finisher - (72%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Burning to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Chilled to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Finisher (27%πŸ’†) Arcane damage x3 Applies Volatile to struck targets Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 6. Extended Finisher - (131%πŸ’†) Arcane damage 55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Echo Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire55% chance to trigger a Deadly Extended Finisher Arcane damage x11 Applies Perfect Timing to caster Triggers Essence Harvest Triggers Arcane Amplifier Triggers Prism Triggers Catalytic Projectiles Triggers Refreshing Followthrough Triggers Ward Triggers Keen Edge Triggers Supreme Concussion Triggers Rhythmic Swings Triggers Crushing Blows Triggers Inner Fire

See also
