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Frozen is a movement crowd control status effect in Ashes of Creation.[1]

  • Duration: 6s
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Persists: Relog
  • Stacks: 50
Effect description
Cannot move or rotate for 6s.
Related skills
Skill Icon Origin Description
Blizzard Icon.Blizzard.png Mage Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Periodically pulses Chilled to targets within the area. Each shard impact deals (50%🢆) Ice damage in a small area around it and applies Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Cataclysm Icon.Cataclysm.png Fighter Deal (275%🢆) Physical damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front of you. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped. Deals 15% additional damage to Chilled targets. This bonus is doubled against Frozen targets.
Chilling Lament Chilling Lament.png Bard Target enemy is dealt (75%🢆) ice damage and afflicted with four seconds of Chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[2][3]
Chilling Lament (AoE) Chilling Lament.png Bard Enemies in front of you are dealt (50%🢆) ice damage and afflicted with three seconds of chilled every second. Deals bonus damage to frozen targets.[2]
Cone of Cold Icon.Cone of Cold.png Mage Blast a vortex of freezing wind in a cone in front of you, dealing (125%🢆) Ice damage and applying Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Shatter Icon.Shatter.png Mage When you deal lightning damage to a recently Frozen target, they are dealt a bonus 300% ice damage. Shattered can only be triggered once every 4 seconds per caster against the same target.[2]
Shattering Shards Icon.Shattering Shards.png Mage If Frostbolt hits a Shocked target, frost shards will splinter off, hitting the original target and up to 3 additional nearby enemies for (150%🢆) Ice damage.
Thermal Equalibrium ThermalEqualibriumNewIcon.png Mage Whenever you apply Frozen to a target, refresh the duration of your applied Conflagrating statuses on that target.[2]
Thermal Equilibrium Icon.Thermal Equilibrium.png Mage Whenever you apply Frozen to a target, refresh the duration of your applied Conflagrating statuses on that target.
Related status effects
Effect Icon Description
Chilled Icon.Chilled.png Movement speed reduced by 50% per stack. Lasts 6s. Duration can be extended up to 6s by subsequent applications.
Shatter Icon.Shatter.png When you deal lightning damage to a recently Frozen target, they are dealt a bonus (300%🢆) Ice damage. Shattered can only be triggered once every 4 seconds per caster against the same target.
Shattered Shatter Status Effect Icon.png
Shattering Shards Icon.Shattering Shards.png If Frostbolt hits a Shocked target, frost shards will splinter off, hitting the original target and up to 3 additional nearby enemies for (150%🢆) Ice damage.
Thermal Equilibrium Icon.Thermal Equilibrium.png Whenever you apply Frozen to a target, refresh the duration of your applied Conflagrating statuses on that target.

See also
