Cosmetic skins

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Cinderhorn Steer pre-order pack cosmetic mount skin.[1]

Providing these limited options that collectors out there like when it comes to achieving and/or purchasing cosmetics. It means something I think when players make that decision to purchase or they go through the rigorous portion of achieving those things in game that it is not just everywhere around them and becomes meaningless at that point.[2]Steven Sharif

Cosmetic skins are Accessories, Buildings, Caravans, Mounts, Pets, and Ships that are sold in the cosmetic store.[3][4][5]

  • Cosmetic skins are only be able to be applied to things that have already been earned, crafted or found within Ashes of Creation.[8][9]
    • Certain cosmetic skins require specific items or item tiers have been achieved in-game before they can be used.[10][11][8][12][13]
Owning cosmetics does not guarantee the acquisition of the item the cosmetic can be used on. Players must still achieve the corresponding item/building.[8]Steven Sharif
  • The lore on store cosmetics is flavor text.[7]
  • The best cosmetic skins will be in-game achievable.[16]
The best skins will be in-game achievable (obviously “best” is subjective, so I’d say the most ornate and detailed/unique).[16]Steven Sharif


Rime and Regal‎ pre-order pack cosmetics.[7]

We are very transparent in the business model of subscription with cosmetic only marketplace... I respect and understand the opinion of rather having a box price in-place of cosmetics, but that is not the direction I’ve decided to take. After weighing the benefits to the game and its population, I believe a lower barrier to entry is healthier in the long run, and the steady content release and quality of the product will sustain the retention for subscription and in-turn provide a healthier content release strategy for Ashes.[17]Steven Sharif

Cosmetics offer different (but not better) ways to customize your experience in Ashes of Creation.[18][19]

What you can buy for cosmetics are different, they're not better. It's not that you need to purchase a cosmetic in order to look good in the game. Visual progression within the game is on-par with the cosmetics that we would sell. We are not preserving the best looking cosmetics for our shop cosmetics, they are just going to be different.[18]Steven Sharif
All skin cosmetic items are cosmetic items only and do not grant the user any other benefit. The lore text is flavor text, and background of the creatures and items in the world of Verra.[7]
I want to make sure that equitable cosmetics both from a quantity and quality standpoint are achievable through in-game achievements. Time, effort should let you be happy with what you can accomplish.[30]Steven Sharif
The most grand looking cosmetics will be from in-game achievement only.[31]Steven Sharif
Our style guide is to maintain a cohesive and thematic immersive environment, which means that we won't be utilizing real-world call-out, other than perhaps some festive, holiday driven ones.[32]Steven Sharif
From an armor standpoint, we cut armor sets up into many different pieces. These pieces can sometimes be used as part of other sets, that may include helmets, wrists, gloves etc. So while you will not see an achievable white version of the corvid castigator set in the game for example, you may see its shoulder piece used in another set, or its leggings, or wrist piece used in another set (not every piece as to form the whole set, but perhaps a couple pieces). This would be difficult to notice at first glance, due to the material, texture and color variation used, but this modular approach to content creation makes achieving a wide variety of looks achievable for an MMORPG of our size.[28]Steven Sharif
  • Different variants of store purchased cosmetic creatures (Pets and Mounts) may exist in the wild.[37][38]
While the exact same skin will not be available again in the future once it's gone from the Shop, these skins are all variants of creatures that you can expect to see across Verra - so perhaps you will find one with a similar style in-game![37]Sarah Flanagan
  • Cosmetics can be used by all races but there may be slight variations to make them work with the body builds of each race.[39][40]
  • There will not be mascot looking/furry cosmetics.[41]
It's important to remember, Ashes is a NO-BOX COST subscription only game, with an optional cosmetic marketplace. This achieves a few things from a monetization model. Having a lower barrier to entry for players to try the game when they don't have to fork out $60 for the box price is good, our box price is 0$. This also places an emphasis on the game's retention and our continual updates and content creation to keep players playing and staying subscribed (a put your money where your mouth is sort of philosophy for us as a company). It also means players don't have to spend $60 every time there is an expansion.[28]Steven Sharif
I know there have been quite a few questions regarding cosmetics over the years. As we get further along in development, we'll be providing more specific information regarding what specific buildings, items, etc., you can place each cosmetic on. We'll update this for all past items.[42]Margaret Krohn
Is there an answer that satisfies everyone? Nope. And that's ok. We are open and transparent with our philosophies and business model. You know what you are getting with Ashes and to me, given my experiences in other games, it is a nice breath of fresh air.[28]Steven Sharif

Artistic style

Ren'Kai architecture concept art.[45]

Part of the biome that the Ren'Kai are accustomed to is a more swamp or marsh oriented, so they have these almost stilt-like foundations on some of the assets because they're intended to sit above that marsh.[45]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation is a high-fantasy game with a high graphical fidelity. It will not be too stylized or "cartoony".[32][33][34][35]

We can push the limits a little bit on the graphical fidelity, especially using Unreal Engine 4... My desire was not to see very cartoony games. I'm not a big fan of highly stylized art.[34]Steven Sharif
It's not to say that people can't do steampunk well. I've enjoyed some steampunk stuff. I'm a very high fantasy oriented type of storyteller; and the inspiration for Ashes obviously comes from my pathfinder campaigns that I ran long ago; and those are always set in a high fantasy world. So it just compromises what I believe is the perspective of the storytelling in the environment.[33]Steven Sharif
We do not use AI for production, except in unique internal cases when communicating fast reference material.[46]Steven Sharif

Obtaining cosmetics

Some cosmetics can be obtained in-game: Dyes, Costumes, Seasonal cosmetics.[47]

  • Not all cosmetics are obtainable through in-game means. These will be purchasable through the cosmetic store.[47]
Cash shop cosmetics will be limited in quantity, limited in time for purchase. They will be unique, but you will also have extremely difficult to gain cosmetics in game as well as unique cosmetics that look great and better... There will be a lot of cosmetics that are achievable in the game because that is a very fun aspect of MMO play.[48]Steven Sharif

Cosmetic store

Ashes of Creation cosmetic store.[49]

There is going to be legendary cosmetics that can be earned and achieved in the game through the game systems, but that's going to take a significant amount of effort and work; and those cosmetics are going to be on-par with the cosmetics offered in the marketplace... What that does is it provides additional revenue to the company so that we can continue to fund the development of content as well and bridge the divide that not having a box cost would have and not having any pay-to-win mechanics whatsoever.[24]Steven Sharif

The Cosmetic store enables players to purchase Cosmetics for use in Ashes of Creation.[47] The cosmetic store offers limited time, limited quantity items to help sustain game development.[30]

Quality of cash shop cosmetics should be equal to in-game achievable cosmetics, but offer a diverse selection of unique looks.[29]Steven Sharif
Nothing in our shop will ever be pay to win as we believe this practice greatly hurts the MMORPG genre.[25]
  • Cash shop cosmetics will offer a diverse selection of unique looks.[29]
I want to incentivize purchase in the cosmetic shop for sustainability of what expansions we have intended, since we are not a box cost. I want to incentivize purchase by offering limited items: limited time, limited quantity, so you have confidence that when you purchase them, they won't be offered later on in some other way.[30]Steven Sharif
  • There will be no in-world advertising of shop items.[50]
Are we going to advertise cosmetics in-game? No. There's not going to be any marketplace transaction advertisements that are in the client. There might be an interactable shop that you can open from a UI perspective, but you're not going to see a thing that's interrupting.[50]Steven Sharif
  • All cosmetic store items will be non-tradeable.[44] There will be no gifting mechanism for cosmetic items.[51]
I don't want cosmetic items that can be purchased from the market to be transferable... because it is in a way a transfer of money for potentially something in-game.[51]Steven Sharif

Pre-order packs

Pre-order packs were available from the Cosmetic store up until they ended on January 17, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific.[52][49]

We offer cosmetics for players who wish to support the project early. The exclusive nature of the limited availability is something I think collectors value. If you buy cosmetics as an MMO player, I know I enjoyed if the cosmetic is rare and not every girl at the party is wearing the same dress. In addition, these cosmetics are used to populate the world through NPC variants and color/texture changes so their offering aligns with our production schedule. The good thing about these packs is they contain no P2W advantages and there is no box cost, so from a mechanics standpoint you do not need to buy them to excel in the game on launch. And also, there are comparable and subjectively more grand cosmetics achievable in game as well.[36]Steven Sharif

Cosmetic binding

All cosmetic store items will be non-tradeable.[44]

Pay to win

Ashes of Creation will not be pay to win or pay to convenience. This is a core philosophy of the game that will not change.[20][21][22][23][2][24][7][17][25][26]

We have a very strong commitment as a team, as a company, as fellow gamers of MMOs, where we believe that achievements within the game that relate to your character power and progression is a paramount thing to keep protected; and not allow for people to subvert those achievements in a method of acquiring through swiping their credit card or whatever.[23]Steven Sharif
Ashes of Creation will not be pay to win, that is our pledge to the community. One of the core principles we set forth with Ashes of Creation is a very strong desire to maintain the game's even playing field.[26]
A lot of developers and companies have come along in the past- and I've been hit by this too- and they've said we're not going to have pay-to-win and then boom they roll out some pay-to-win. We have consistently said we won't be pay-to-win and in the pre-orders that we provide and even in the Kickstarter there were absolutely zero pay-to-win components whatsoever. So not only will we talk the talk but we will walk the walk as well.[24]Steven Sharif
Because we are a non-box purchase game, meaning there is no box price to play Ashes of Creation, it is only a subscription; and that's beneficial because it reduces the barrier of entry and we want a high population obviously; but at the same time one of the ways we augment the revenue flows to sustain constant updates and new chapter releases and additional content within the game is through a cosmetic-only marketplace; and that means absolutely no pay-to-win whatsoever; and that will be adhered to forever.[2]Steven Sharif
We will not use a loot box system for cosmetics either. We currently have a cosmetic store that offers limited time, limited quantity items to help sustain game development. These items are purely decorative and do not offer any in-game benefits.[54]
My definition of pay-to-win is really anything that affects the in-game economy, the in-game action pool, your abilities and/or skills... In my opinion the inventory slots and the XP potions would be considered pay-to-win.[56]Steven Sharif
  • Items sold in the store that are also obtainable through gameplay are still considered pay-to-win.[61]
It undermines an achievement when you remove the need to achieve it.[61]Steven Sharif
Q: Will there be RNG boxes?
A: I dislike RNG. Archeage made me loath rng monetization gimmicks.[57]Steven Sharif

Transferring cosmetics between alts

Ashes of Creation web site design preview (WIP).[62]

The account management page is used to assign or reassign cosmetics to characters within an account.[43][63][64][65]

  • Cosmetics can be reassigned to other characters (alts), but can only be active on one character at a time.[43][64][65]
  • There will likely be a cooldown for reassigning cosmetics between characters.[43]

Racial skins

Racial skins are cosmetics that enable a player to change their character's racial appearance.[66][8][67][68]

  • Racial skins transform the appearance of the character to that skin. The original racial appearance of the character is entirely replaced.[66]
  • There are plans to create other racial skins.[72]
  • Some potential future ideas include undead and werewolf (lycan) skins.[73]
  • Racial skins can be toggled on and off.[68]
You're changing your race over to that, which means that you won't look uniquely different if you were a Vek angel or a Human angel.[66]Steven Sharif

Freehold building skins

Sunbeam's Remembrance medium homestead cosmetic freehold building skin.[74]

After you build your house, you can build other buildings on your Freehold. Each building needs the blueprint to start the process. If you have a cosmetic skin you want to use on a building, this is used after placing the blueprint. Once this has been placed, the building will be shown in a non-functional, construction state. Players will need to provide the required materials needed to complete the building construction, for each building on their Freehold.[75]

Freehold building skins were offered as Kickstarter and Summer crowdfunding rewards and were available in pre-order packs.[76][77][78][79][80]

  • Freehold building skins can also be achieved in-game.[81]
  • Freehold building cosmetics cannot be sold or traded with other players.[82][76]
Cosmetics that we have sold as part of different packs throughout the past- our pre-order system: Those cosmetics are split into three primary categories: housing, artisanship, and business; and we will have a breakdown that we're going to be releasing of the cosmetics that have come previously and which categories they exist in, but players will have the option to override the appearance of a blueprint that exists within one of those categories with an associated cosmetic skin; and that is obviously not just something that can be purchased through the pre-order system, but also can be achieved in-game as well- our cosmetics that can be applied to specific building types. And we don't get as granular where, let's say, you might have a shrine cosmetic, and you have, let's say, a blacksmith building that you wouldn't be able to apply the shrine to the blacksmith building. If the shrine exists in the artisanship lane you can apply it to any artisanship type building, but not to a house or business. so giving a little bit of additional context there.[81]Steven Sharif
  • A planned feature may allow multiple buildings to be replaced by a single large cosmetic skin.[86]
Cosmetics that are are very large in size- we will have a system that's not been developed yet, but we've been planning for this: we'll have a system where multiple buildings can be occupied space-wise by the larger cosmetic. So, a cosmetic might replace the visual appearance of one particular building, but then you'll be able to have that footprint occupy multiple buildings to replace the visual appearance. So that way you're still utilizing the similar amount of space.[81]Steven Sharif

Homestead building skins

Cosmetic freehold building skins for homestead buildings.[75][81][83][76]

[ All homesteads ] [ Small homesteads ] [ Medium homesteads ] [ Large homesteads ]

Artisan building skins

Cosmetic freehold building skins for artisan buildings.[75][81][83][76]

  • These skins can be placed on any artisan building, regardless of type.[88][89]
  • Artisan cosmetic skins go on artisan buildings and not the individual profession stations themselves.[75]

Business building skins

Cosmetic freehold building skins for business buildings.[75][81][83][76]

  • These skins can be placed on any business building, regardless of type.[89]

Caravan skins

Caravan skins ("Pimp my caravan") were available in the cash shop (cosmetic store).[5]

  • The skin changes the appearance of an in-game mount and in-game caravan that are hooked up to each other.[14][15]
  • The caravan and mount components of the skin are not able to be utilized separately.[14][15]
  • Building, ship, caravan and mount cosmetics require an in-game item to be obtained first to apply the cosmetic.[13][11]

You'll need your own creature and caravan hooked up to each other, and then the caravan cosmetic skin goes over all of them to make it look like what's pictured. you're not able to split out separately that caravan mount skin, hence why you'd want the separate mount skin if you wanted to ride it independently.[14]Sarah Flanagan

Ship skins

Ship skins apply to certain ship types.[4]

Mount skins

Mount skins are cosmetic only skins can be applied to the appearance of mounts that were earned in-game.[6][13][11][65][92]

Q: Are the mounts that you buy from the store going to be faster? Is it going to be a skin for mounts? How does this work?
A: You must acquire your mount in-game first, and then you can apply a visual skin to it from the store. So it doesn't affect the stats. You can't buy a skin and then summon the skin. You have to first acquire the mount. The mount stats that you acquire are in-game based off of either Animal Husbandry system or Vendor, or if you're a mayor; and then, if you own a skin that you purchased, then you can apply that visual appearance to the mount that you've acquired in-game.[6]Steven Sharif
Acquiring achievements like T3 mounts or T2 mounts to use cosmetics on will require varying degrees of effort, skill and strategy. Once achieved, players can use those cosmetics.[94]Steven Sharif
  • Mount skins may not be available until after the start of Alpha-2.[95]

Land mounts

Gliding mounts

Flying mounts


Aquatic mounts

Crowdfunding mounts

Cosmetic pets

Cosmetic pets were available for purchase from the cosmetic store.[3]

  • Cosmetic pets can be summoned from level 1.[13]

Cosmetic pets, since non-functional from a gameplay perspective, can be summoned at lvl 1.[13]Steven Sharif

Guild hall skins

Guild hall skins were rewards in the Kickstarter and Summer crowdfunding campaigns.[96][97]


Vestments of the Runecarvers pre-order pack cosmetic costume.[99]

The costume cosmetics that are included in each month's pre-order set are indeed a full piece, and when you put it on it will cover your entire appearance. You will not be able to mix and match/toggle those pieces individually (other than your helmet) when you're wearing the entire costume. This is partially why there is a separate category for accessories - those are able to be worn/equipped on a more individualized basis, so you can mix and match to your liking![100]Sarah Flanagan

Costumes were available for purchase from the cosmetic store.[78]

Full costumes do not mix and match pieces.[105]Steven Sharif

Accessory skins

Accessories in Ashes of Creation refers to:

Mount barding skins

Mount barding cosmetic reward for backing at the Leader of Men level.[113]

Mount barding (also referred to as Saddles) is armor for mounts in Ashes of Creation. Mount barding is similar in concept to player armor.[114]

  • The higher the level of barding, the better looking it will be.[114]
  • Barding will have multiple components that can be equipped. Each component will increase the stats of the mount, such as hit points and speed.[115][114]
  • Barding cosmetics can only be applied to mounts with barding cosmetic slots.[116]
  • Cosmetic skins may only be applied to barding/saddle items that are earned in-game.[117]
    • Barding skins can not be applied over a mount skin.[111]
    The mount skins are applied to the mount, and barding (think of it like an accessory appearance) can not be applied over the mount skin.[111]Cody Peterson
    • Barding skins' appearance may differ depending on the type of mount.[116]

Housing decorations

Housing decorations were available for purchase from the cosmetic store.

Gear appearance

Alpha-1 female plate armor 3D render.[118]

We want to be realistic with the application of particular types of armor, such as plate armor. In this regard for the different sexes there's a fine line that has to be drawn between accentuating the form of the sex as well as making it somewhat realistic and actually applicable to the environment.[118]Steven Sharif

  • Armor will not be overly sexual in appearance.[118][120]
    I'm more of the mind that it wouldn't really serve a purpose to have bikini plate armor, just in like reality, if you're going to have armor, it should be protective. I think from a fashion statement is enjoyable for some people, but it's a an immersive issue.[119]Steven Sharif
    • Some armor and costumes will be more revealing than others, but there will not be nudity in the game.[122]
    There might be sliders, but there are not gonna be naked sliders.[122]Steven Sharif
Each race is getting its custom geo pieces, which then will share thematic components such as color palette, attachments, design filigree. Those types of things will get shared across the geo but generally you're going to see unique races with unique geo.[126]Steven Sharif
  • Cosmetics can be used by all races but there may be slight variations to make them work with the body builds of each race.[39]
  • Hair will likely be masked if helmet display is toggled on.[134]

Appearance slots/Transmogs

Gear will have appearance slots (Transmutation/Transmog/cosmetic slots) that are used to copy the appearance of an item (in some cases).[138][139][140][141]

We do have a transmog system that is planned. It's not in yet of course, but we have plans around it; and our armor sets are crafted in such a way to facilitate that, both from a dye perspective as well as to swap individual pieces of mesh appearances with other mesh types.[138]Steven Sharif
  • There are rules when applying cosmetics to specific items, unlike costumes, which don't have level restrictions.[11]
  • Cosmetic slots can be toggled on or off on their character by the player.[142]
Cosmetics, whether purchased from the shop or earned in game, are an important component of MMORPGS I personally enjoy; and there's a lot of collectors out there who spend a great deal of time either in-game achieving these things or spend money purchasing them from the cosmetic only marketplace; and we don't want to demean or reduce that achievement or that expenditure. So it's going to be situational where the default appearance will be applied and can be activated.[143]Steven Sharif
When you enter into a siege environment, when you enter into a PvP event you are then able to utilize the default player appearance perspective, which removes cosmetics and removes specific gear visuals and instead gives a basic appearance for each armor type, whether it be cloth, plate, or leather. This obviously cuts down on the rendering performance issues that can occur in high density battles.[144]Steven Sharif

See also


  1. Ashes of Creation Store: Cosmetic skins.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Livestream, November 30, 2020 (56:02).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 cosmetic skins.png
  4. 4.0 4.1 Cygnus.png
  5. 5.0 5.1 Pimp your caravan.jpg
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Interview, November 10, 2024 (7:30).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Rime and Regal.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 steven-cosmetic-skins.png
  9. 9.0 9.1 Livestream, December 6, 2018 (41:43).
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:15:34).
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 Livestream, November 30, 2020 (57:50).
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Livestream, August 28, 2020 (2:14:06).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 cosmetic-levels.png
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 toast-caravan-skins.png
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 margaret-caravan-skins.png
  16. 16.0 16.1 steven-best-skins.png
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 Ashes of Creation Reddit - Heat and Harmony.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Livestream, September 27, 2024 (2:04:30).
  19. Livestream, May 8, 2017 (48:52).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Livestream, January 31, 2025 (1:02:09).
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Livestream, January 11, 2025 (1:59:55).
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Podcast, October 12, 2024 (53:37).
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Livestream, September 27, 2024 (2:01:04).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 Livestream, July 25, 2020 (1:53:46).
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 kickstarter microtransactions.png
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 kickstarter p2w.png
  27. 27.0 27.1 Livestream, February 29, 2024 (1:12:23).
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 steven-cosmetic-variants.png
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 equitable-cosmetics-quote.png
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (58:29).
  31. steven-grand-cosmetics.png
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Livestream, January 31, 2025 (1:08:35).
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Livestream, March 31, 2023 (1:17:42).
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Interview, October 20, 2018 (2:17:43).
  35. 35.0 35.1 A reactive world - Nodes.
  36. 36.0 36.1 steven-cosmetics.png
  37. 37.0 37.1 toast-creature-variants.png
  38. Livestream, June 28, 2019 (1:25:55).
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 margaret-gear-appearance.png
  40. 40.0 40.1 Livestream, June 26, 2020 (1:42:55).
  41. Podcast, November 15, 2020 (49:02).
  42. freehold-skin-clarification.png
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 steven-cosmetic-reassignment.png
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 cash shop non tradable.jpg
  45. 45.0 45.1 Livestream, February 25, 2022 (46:17).
  46. 46.0 46.1 steven-AI-artwork.png
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 cosmetics obtaining.png
  48. Livestream, July 9, 2018 (55:20).
  49. 49.0 49.1 Ashes of Creation cosmetic store.
  50. 50.0 50.1 Livestream, January 31, 2025 (1:01:34).
  51. 51.0 51.1 Interview, May 11, 2018 (32:36).
  52. Newsletter - Pre-order packages are ending reminder.
  53. Livestream, April 30, 2021 (1:20:03).
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 loot-boxes.png
  55. 55.0 55.1 Livestream, July 25, 2020 (48:28).
  56. 56.0 56.1 Podcast, August 4, 2018 (1:57:56).
  57. 57.0 57.1 RNG boxes.png
  58. Interview, June 13, 2021 (48:27).
  59. steven-multi-boxing-3.png
  60. steven-multiple-accounts.png
  61. 61.0 61.1 steven-pay-to-win-items.png
  62. Livestream, January 29, 2021 (46:48).
  63. Livestream, May 26, 2017 (18:10).
  64. 64.0 64.1 Kickstarter item application.jpg
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 kickstarter mounts.png
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Livestream, May 29, 2020 (1:42:43).
  67. Livestream, May 12, 2017 (1:04:04).
  68. 68.0 68.1 cosmetic skins.jpg
  69. 69.0 69.1 Kickstarter 12k+ backers.
  70. character colors.jpg
  71. 71.0 71.1 costumes and skins.jpg
  72. February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
  73. Livestream, 2018-04-8 (AM) (4:47).
  74. Ashes of Creation Store: Sunbeam's Remembrance.
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 75.5 75.6 Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 76.4 76.5 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (22:05).
  77. pre-order-tiers.png
  78. 78.0 78.1 What is included with my Pre-Order package?
  79. Warrior of Old.png
  80. Summer Warrior of Old.png
  81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 81.6 Livestream, June 30, 2023 (23:40).
  82. steven-selling-blueprints.png
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 Development Update with Freehold Preview.
  84. steven-freehold-skin-types.png
  85. Livestream, April 7, 2023 (31:49).
  86. Livestream, June 30, 2023 (1:21:07).
  87. Interview, July 9, 2023 (31:18).
  88. steven-freehold-artisan-cosmetics.png
  89. 89.0 89.1 steven-business-building-cosmetics.png
  90. Ashes of Creation Store: Ramstone Hauler.
  91. Livestream, December 23, 2021 (1:21:32).
  92. Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (51:49).
  93. 93.0 93.1 Livestream, September 30, 2019 (1:39:01).
  94. steven-cosmetic-effort.png
  95. Livestream, May 31, 2024 (1:56:49).
  96. Leader of Men.png
  97. Summer Leader of Men.png
  98. Livestream, April 30, 2021 (1:14:12).
  99. Ashes of Creation Store: Vestments of the Runecarvers.
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 sarah-quote-cosmetics.png
  101. costumes-weapons-quote.png
  102. steven-costumes.png
  103. costumes-1piece.png
  104. 104.0 104.1 costumesaccessories.png
  105. 105.0 105.1 steven-costumes-1.png
  106. Forums - Livestream Q&A 2022-08-26.
  107. costume-gender.png
  108. headslot-hidden.png
  109. steven-hoods.png
  110. Ashes of Creation Store: Masque of Affection.
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 cody-skins.png
  112. Livestream, March 31, 2022 (1:21:44).
  113. Leader of Men
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 Livestream, May 29, 2020 (58:31).
  115. Livestream, September 30, 2020 (45:37).
  116. 116.0 116.1 margaret-barding-slots.png
  117. Livestream, September 30, 2020 (45:26).
  118. 118.0 118.1 118.2 118.3 Livestream, May 29, 2020 (50:20).
  119. 119.0 119.1 Livestream, May 26, 2017 (19:51).
  120. 120.0 120.1 Reddit Q&A, 2019-01-8.
  121. oversized.jpg
  122. 122.0 122.1 Livestream, December 23, 2021 (1:34:07).
  123. Livestream, February 29, 2024 (1:15:51).
  124. Podcast, August 4, 2018 (53:43).
  125. Livestream, October 28, 2022 (1:41:06).
  126. Livestream, September 24, 2021 (1:25:27).
  127. Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:40:11).
  128. Sparkly.jpg
  129. Livestream, November 30, 2020 (1:05:22).
  130. Livestream, May 24, 2017 (24:19).
  131. Livestream, July 18, 2017 (54:56).
  132. Livestream, July 28, 2017 (9:47).
  133. helmet.jpg
  134. Livestream, October 30, 2020 (1:13:22).
  135. weaponslots.png
  136. Livestream, September 3, 2017 (48:56).
  137. Livestream, May 31, 2023 (58:37).
  138. 138.0 138.1 Livestream, January 3, 2025 (15:40).
  139. Interview, November 10, 2024 (56:29).
  140. Interview, August 24, 2018 (5:28).
  141. Livestream, November 17, 2017 (22:33).
  142. Livestream, February 9, 2018 (50:29).
  143. 143.0 143.1 Livestream, July 25, 2020 (54:10).
  144. 144.0 144.1 Interview, November 10, 2024 (59:00).
  145. Livestream, November 22, 2019 (1:08:05).
  146. Livestream, August 17, 2018 (1:07:51).