Citadel of the Steel Bloom

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Icon.Citadel of the Steel Bloom.png

Citadel of the Steel Bloom is a Point of interest in Riverlands.[1][2]

Alpha-2 Citadel of the Steel Bloom.[3]

This was the the area for the Steel Bloom to call home. They were a special unit formed by the Aelan queen who believed in the portents and the omens beforehand.[1]Jeremy Gess

Rosefall Plaza in the Citadel of the Steel Bloom.[3]

The Citadel is more intact than a lot of ruins. Why is that? Built to last?[3]Jeremy Gess

  • Immediately outside the Citadel is the Harrower's March, named after The Ancients' lead slaughterer. Following the events of Carphin, the Harrower lead a group of marauders here to slaughter members of Steel Bloom, who were attempting to defend the Citadel. The land still has not recovered in the thousand years since that battle.[4]
It's always a dangerous place with the Forsaken blades basing their [operation] out of this impregnable grand fortress, but since the story arc we're in is reaching its tail end, it's created a narrative climate that is going to allow this ragtag band of adventurers, such as ourselves, an opportunity to complete our quest for some rumored relic, called the Orb of Ultimate Essence.[6]Tony Garcia

Story arcs at this location

Order of the Steel Bloom

The Order of the Steel Bloom was an order of Knights, specially selected by the wise Aelan queen to carry out near impossible endeavors in the 20-30 years preceding the exodus.[8][7]

The First Lady of the Rose was a strong warrior and the Queen picked her to form an order for her, to act as her bodyguards, but also to do these special missions that she knew- she believed of the omens that were coming, when other people might have put them off, or didn't believe them, or doubted them. So, the order had been around for 20 30 years before the Exodus.[8]Jeremy Gess
  • The Order of the Steel Bloom were not only the Queen's personal bodyguards, but they were also a unit she commanded to go on special missions for her that the military were not aware of.[3]
The Steel Bloom was the Queen's special unit, so that- she knowing that things were going to get bad, she had a special unit- they were always her bodyguards, but also they were on special missions for her: things that the military weren't so aware of.[3]Jeremy Gess
  • When the divine gateways opened, the Queen ordered her protection to leave her side and make haste to the Brighthold to ensure the success of the Lightpact's crucial mission.[7]
Formed by the wise Aelan queen as she foresaw the impending darkness, the Order of the Steel Bloom consisted of specially selected knights strong of heart and valor. The Order was essential in carrying out nigh impossible endeavors of critical import during the last days of Verra, under the direction of the beloved and revered Lady of the Rose. When the Divine Gates opened, at great personal risk to her own safety, the queen ordered her protection to leave her side and make haste to the Brighthold to ensure the success of the Lightpact’s crucial mission. The Order would not return from the command.[7]

The Lightpact

Cloak of the Broken Pact cosmetic concept art.[9]

This flowing silken mantle of the Lightpact inspired hope in all those that caught a glimpse of them during the terrible final days of Verra. Fighting tirelessly against the pressing darkness, the fluttering capes were often the last rays of light seen before escaping to safety. Tragically, it was only the cloak itself that was recovered after the finishing blows were felled.[9]

The Lightpact was an alliance of the Orders of the Seven, created by the four major races of Verra in order to solve the mystery of the Harbingers.[10]

Even though they have different focuses and reasons why their followers worship specific gods, at the end of the day, they're all a Pantheon of good. So there's a reason for them to work together to subvert the goals and/or aspirations of the Others and the Ancients. And those who seek to pervert what the Essence is capable of through the means of Corruption.[11]Steven Sharif
  • There are key individuals within the Lightpact and within the religions that have a longer objective that ties into the overarching metanarrative, in terms of the reason for the return to Verra.[11]
Standing against the heralds of corruption, the Lightpact once carried the hopes of all Verrans on their shoulders. Their flames would ultimately be dashed on the rocks of betrayal and destruction. Corruption, death, and evil now grasp and consume the light that once led the way. With the re-emergence of the Divine Gates, will the beacon of faith be set ablaze once more?[12]


Related quests

Quest Type Story arc Location Steps XP Currency
Gnashgut of Hearthsong Quest Riverlands 1
Raid and Relic Story arc quest The Orb of Ultimate Essence Citadel of the Steel Bloom 3

Related events

Related mobs


See also
