2020-05-31 Video - Pre-Alpha Gameplay in 4K
Pre-Alpha 4K GM Gameplay, 31 May 2020.
Glorious Fellow MMORPG Fans, We wanted to give you some solid and RAW uncut, gameplay footage in 4K of the Pre-Alpha MMO! Please keep in mind a FEW things as you watch; First and foremost, this IS pre-alpha footage and that means you will see many bugs, the game is still largely unpolished and not optimized since our primary focus is testing core systems and functionality. You will see mechanics implemented that are not intended design, this is purely for testing certain code (IE flagging, crafting, caravans, etc). Many things will change and Art/FX will get polished up before our Alpha One release late this year. Also, we may have cheated a little bit with some GM powers, in order to show you around a bit more during the playthrough :) Verra is starting to come to life! Hope you enjoy! – Steven Sharif
System Specs: the footage was recorded on: 1080TI, i7 7700, Ultra Wide 4k resolution, Ultra Graphics settings in game.
Referenced by
- Alchemist
- Animated Armor
- Animated Armor Mobs
- Apartment benefits
- Apartments
- Banking
- Bear
- Bears
- Beds
- Bosses
- Bounty hunter maps
- Bounty hunters
- Brew Bear
- Brood Horror
- Brood Mother
- Brood Queen
- Brood Stalker
- Buying and selling
- COVID-19 Commemorative Statue
- Cabinets
- Carpentry
- Cats
- Chairs
- Chests
- Cities
- Corruption
- Corruption Tier
- Corruption status effects
- Dawnbreaker
- Daystrider Mule
- Desks
- Dressers
- Dungeons
- Dust Wyrm
- Eagle Gryphon
- Economy
- Edulis
- Emberclaw Raptor
- Encounters
- Expedition
- Families
- Forestcrasher Troll
- Freehold benefits
- Furniture
- Gameplay
- Grasslands Raptor
- Housing decorations
- Housing types
- Hunting grounds
- Inventory
- Jumping puzzles
- Large homesteads
- Lava-Bound Bear
- Lava-Bound Den Mother
- Mansions
- Medium homesteads
- Merchants
- Metropolis
- Midnight Gryphon
- Midnight Mare
- Mobility
- Mules
- Mushroom (mobs)
- Mushrooms
- Nodes
- Open-world PvP
- Paintings
- Phoenix Gryphon
- Player House
- Player corruption
- Player flagging
- Player housing
- Player housing benefits
- Player movement
- Player stall NPCs
- Player to player trading
- Puzzles
- PvE
- PvP
- Pyroclastic Wyrm
- Quest givers
- Quest items
- Quest markers
- Quest rewards
- Quests
- Raid bosses
- Raids
- Razorclaw
- Removing corruption
- Roleplaying
- Rose Gryphon
- Rugs
- Sharpfang
- Shelves
- Shifting Coin Bandits
- Shifting Coin Deadeye
- Shifting Coin Marksman
- Skill and stat dampening
- Sladeborne Bonecaster
- Small homesteads
- Sorrow's Hunger
- Sprinting
- Stallion Prime
- Static housing
- Static housing benefits
- Static housing development
- Storage
- Stoves
- Tables
- Tavern NPCs
- Towns
- Trolls
- Underrealm Mycena
- Underrealm Sharptooth
- Undying Guard
- Utility skills
- Villages
- Voice acting
- Winter Gryphon
- World bosses
- Wyrmling
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